Venus is entering Cancer and inducing you to set great value to feelings, family life and the circle of friends. This transit allows giving all your best to those who you treasure, to play your role in the bosom of the family, to bring comfort and hearing to the ones near you. During this passage the atmosphere is paced with delicacy and tenderness, it is favourable for sharing precious moments with your loved ones.

With the passage of Venus in Cancer you will calm down your chronical impatience, your endless need to act, desire to exist, and you will counterbalance your impulsiveness by being more receptive to the people around you. You demonstrate kindness, diplomacy and psychology towards the others. You make use of your ludic and childish mind to stimulate your posterity and share delicious moments. In the context of feelings, you are romantic and extremely generous in affection to the one you love.
With the entrance of Venus in Cancer you put on perfectly the role of ideal parent, of model spouse or best friend. You get great pleasure from caring for your close ones and devoting them all your attention. You share with them the merry moments of complicity and well-being. For fully committing to your family bonds that are becoming your priority, you restrain some of your activities.
With Venus arriving in Cancer, you profit from a real wave of tenderness to be shared with no moderation. This period is ideal for affording yourself to have a break and enjoy idleness in your family and some delightful moments with your friends. Far from usual excitement, you prefer the intimate atmosphere of your cosy nest to receive and share the simple moments. In the social or professional sphere you don't hesitate to promote your principal preference.
The entrance of Venus into your natal sign decuples your need to be concerned with your family and all those who you share your life with. During this transit you aspire above all to live in serenity and to be surrounded by your loved ones. This moment is perfect for demonstrating all your affection, tenderness and sense of understanding. Thanks to this atmosphere full of harmony, you are going to put forth everything for treasuring the small and big blessings.
The entrance of Venus in Cancer will make you calmer, warmer and more generous. You will profit from this pleasant atmosphere to release pressure and again put on your armour of super organizer to amuse your family. You turn to your soul of adult kid for planning joyful moments and for improving welfare of people around you.
As to your children, you take delight in behaviour full of tenderness and complicity.
With Venus coming in Cancer you are ever so eager to please the people around you and assume all your family responsibilities. In a natural and spontaneous manner you will set up an atmosphere of tenderness and show your attachment to the ones you love. You praise the quest of family union and promote the finest human values. Beside you, others feel completely joyful and pampered!
The entrance of Venus in Cancer has all means for delighting you! Indeed, this transit will bring you content, tenderness and harmony that you need to feel completely joyful. In family, you create the atmosphere of well-being based on comprehension and complicity. If you've got children, you invest all your energy for involving them in merry activities. In couple, your romanticism is ten times stronger and you are full of ideas of how to please your sweet loved one.
With the passage of Venus in Cancer, you are amiable in communication and create an atmosphere of mutual and spontaneous comprehension with your relatives. For them you spare more time than usual and treat them with benevolence. Among your family, you pay special attention to that everyone would feel comfortable and could open out. Whatever the sphere, during this period your friendliness and kindness are in demand and appreciated.
Venus entering Cancer is forcing you to restrain your natural agitation and your intemperate side, to demonstrate instead more equilibrity and openness to others. It is with your friends and family that you can completely relax and share the moments of genuine complicity. Thanks to the surrounding ambience, you will be able to express your feelings in a kind, tender manner and with plenty of romance.
With Venus coming into Cancer, it is the moment to revise your love code and bring a flavour of kindness and an overflow of tenderness in your sentimental life! In family or among friends, the bonds are getting tighter and you tend to spend more time with your close ones and listen to them more. You finally take your time to put your career in brackets so that you could above all devote yourself to your family responsibilities and create a warm climate around you.
With the passage of Venus in Cancer, you reveal a great open-mindedness towards your friends, children, your partner and family. Throughout this transit you unlock your heart in a natural way and unveil your kindness, you are ready to help the people around you. During this period you will put aside your impudent nature, assume your responsibilities, prove yourself as a very easy-going person and you will put family harmony and moments of friendship above all.
With the entrance of Venus in Cancer in your sign, you do all that is possible to embrace and support your close ones. However, if you don't beware of your abundant emotions, your care of others could play some bad tricks with you, make you pass for a fathead and go through a number of deceptions. In fact, when you love, you devote yourself entirely, without any real protection or caution against the probable consequences!