The sun is entering Taurus, giving off a sweet, laziness-inducing vibe about the good life, good eating, self-love This climate is good for working, for making profitable investments. But, this return to a calmer climate won't please everyone, and those that are more impatient will have to remember that a short month is all it takes before the sun regains its energy and fantasy in Gemini. Until then, remember: patience is a virtue...

Sun in Taurus
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    Note: For our readers in the southern hemisphere, the sun entering Taurus corresponds to the end of autumn, but that doesn't change what the sun entering any sign means.


    Atrology: Transit of the sun in TaurusThe sun has left you to enter your neighboring, pleasure-seeking sign, giving you the chance to increase your comfort, physically as much as emotionally over the next month. After a violent, slightly chaotic push, very much like Aries, the spring will open up heading into the beautiful month of May. You will have a thousand and one chances to enjoy this fresh air, cook out, or hike through the forest. This, then, will be a more sensual climate, but, fortunately for you, an active on as well. Put off the most restrictive tasks until now: this ambiance of patience and tenacity will be more favorable to long-term goals.


    Atrology: Transit of the sun in TaurusHappy birthday, Taurus! Traditionally, this period is an auspicious one for this sign. The sun's return into the natal sign represents the return also of much-welcome well-being. We can all expect great health, an abnormally high resistance to any worry, and a whole lot of creativity. This really is an excellent period for Taurus, who will be met with little resistance in making progress and growing. Don't hesitate to spoil yourself a bit - if you want something done right, do it yourself!


    Atrology: Transit of the sun in TaurusThe aggressive and spontaneous atmosphere of the last few weeks will give way to calmer, more work-oriented, but also more comfortable and profitable daily life. You'll find something to occupy yourself with no problem, and you could stand out from the masses by moving quicker, or more skillfully, than everyone else. This is also a good month for recharging your batteries in warmth and intimacy, and for letting your worries slip away. Now is also the time to look after your love-life, to slow down your hectic pace. Enjoy this springtime as it should be: with romance and sensuality.


    Atrology: Transit of the sun in TaurusThe sun has left Aries, where it may have sent you negative energy over the last month, annoying you and tiring you out. But, upon arriving in Taurus, it will make your daily life calmer, more comfortable, with good food and steamy nights with your lover. This ambiance suits you well. It is much more calm, yet still rewarding, thanks to your peaceful but lucrative work. Things will be more pleasant among friends. Only the final decan will suffer a wave of depression and unfounded and free-floating discouragement, but even they will manage to get out in the fresh air and recharge in nature.


    Atrology: Transit of the sun in TaurusThe sun entering Taurus could cut your legs out from underneath you by slowing down your frantic pace of these past few months. You need to calm down, take it easy, cooperate with your adversaries, and dip and dodge any arguments or stubbornness over the coming weeks. People will be just as willful and stubborn as you are, and this competition of who can be the most tenacious will only slow down your progress if you don't tone it down a bit. The stars are favorable to you, and so it really is worth it to make a few concessions this month in order to avoid any trouble!


    Atrology: Transit of the sun in TaurusThe sun's arrival in Taurus will comfort you in your various, hectic activities, offering you personal success and recognition of your talents. Your ideals are taking off and expanding, and your life will become more and more comfortable. Though you are stuck in this cycle of distraction followed by awkwardness, and if your love-life isn't as calm as you'd like, you are still without a doubt on a path towards greater profits, worth, and satisfaction. With the sun in your friend sign, your physical health will be through the roof, enabling you to really enjoy the coming days.


    Atrology: Transit of the sun in TaurusAfter this hectic month full of highs and lows, the sun entering Taurus will usher in a more tranquil climate. But, since, deep down, you are never content, you could end up getting bored if you don't keep yourself busy with something hands-on. The mood is favorable to work, profits, and pleasure, but you can't have one without the other. So get involved and get down to work without expecting help from those around you first. This is a good time to show what you are capable of if you want to gain recognition and earn the esteem of others. A little more autonomy will do you good.


    Atrology: Transit of the sun in TaurusThe stars are starting up the real spring, the one that warms our bodies and our hearts. Nothing could please you more than this boost in passion, sensuality, and earthly pleasures, all of them more delectable than the last. Your love-life will take off. Couples will enjoy unforgettable moments together, while those that are single may not be much longer. There might be a few pleasant financial surprises as long as you can stay moderate and avoid stubbornly sticking to good, but wrong, ideas. Moreover, you still possess great creativity from Pisces, which will soften up your character, much to your loved ones' happiness.


    Atrology: Transit of the sun in TaurusThe sun will leave spontaneous and invigorating Aries and enter Taurus, making the ambiance much more peaceful, too peaceful almost at times, for the eternal teenager you are. This is a nice back-and-forth, however: impulse, then power plays; work time and earning money, but also sweet and gentle sensuality. Your daily routine, all of a sudden calm again, has the most to gain from these highly stabilizing influences, boosting your patience and tenacity for any tasks to come. This will be a short month of effort and work before starting over fresh when the sun enters Gemini.


    Atrology: Transit of the sun in TaurusThe agitation that has most likely put you through the wringer this past month will give place to gentle and active serenity. During this month, you will prove that you can work without getting worked up and see your tasks through to the end and achieve gratifying results. With the sun in Taurus, the stars will lenient when it comes to your activities and health in general. This is a great time to tackle those long-term endeavors, which will require less effort than usual, but will bring you resounding success. Now, too, is the time to bring in money and pack in some quality time with your lover. What happiness!


    Atrology: Transit of the sun in TaurusAt the end of April, the stars will become inactive, and so you could rebel more than is necessary. Setbacks and obstacles may arise if you don't back down a bit. Your methods, as marvelous as they may be, aren't for everyone, and it is high time that you try out other people's, ones that are more traditional, not as fun, but probably more profitable if you can manage to adapt. You still possess more than a few positive traits in communication, commerce, love, and in your relations in general. Don't blow it all by being too stubborn. In the end, this attitude will only be absurd and get you nowhere...


    Atrology: Transit of the sun in TaurusThis is the start of a great month for Pisces, except for your delicate love-life. Your activities will be stimulated and a little income should brighten up the next few weeks, flooding the ambiance with creativity. That being said, keep an eye on your profits. Don't waste your wealth on futile endeavors, and learn to discipline at work. You tend to be a little up and down in this regard. This is an excellent, work-focused, but welcoming ambiance that will assist your initiatives and could advance your goals from day to day.