
What are the effects of the Full Moon July 21, 2024

Written by Evie

Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21

Full moon ritual : During the full moon and to start again on good bases, it is very useful to set up rituals. There are several that can help to attract what we want. Here is an article to discover on these Full Moon Rituals .

At the dawn of the Leo season, as the sun enters Leo the day after this full moon, the Cancer-Capricorn axis is once again in the spotlight. The full moon forms at the last degree of Capricorn, asking for one last effort before the summer's languor sets in. A new moon in Capricorn requires us to stay focused, centered on our social evolution through work and work alone. If Capricorn sometimes has a bad reputation, it's because it doesn't believe that magic plays a role in your ascent. In Capricorn, everything comes from oneself and the efforts one is willing to make, and the reward is directly linked to our investment.

This full moon is unique in that it is conjunct Pluto. The dark and distant planet is indeed the smallest, but its effects on our psyche are inversely proportional to its size! Pluto calls upon the most archaic aspects within us. Thus, its conjunction with the full moon brings out our darkest hours and ancestral fears. This full moon and Pluto, however, engage in interesting dialogues with Mars on the one hand and Uranus on the other. Mars contributes its energy and combativeness to help us achieve our goals. By entering Gemini on this day, Mars allows us to find new resources and diversify our activities. It's time to make your voice heard, attend a job interview, or at least update your CV. But beware of conflicts! Mars is conjunct Uranus, which can lead to vigorous exchanges with an undertone of irritability. Ensure that your exchanges and activities are directed toward something constructive, keeping in mind that your social ascent matters for this full moon in Capricorn.

Uranus will propose solutions you did not expect. There is a bit of magic here, that of the most unpredictable planet, creating what we call synchronicities on your path. Direct your energies in the right direction!

We also need to look at Saturn, the ruler of this full moon in Capricorn. Saturn is square Jupiter, describing a tense period on the collective level, but on the other hand, it is quintile Mars, and that's good news! Indeed, for professional matters, this aspect opens up an interesting field, especially when considering that Mars is our ally for this full moon. There is a real opportunity to discover genuine professional qualities, indicating that the period is particularly favorable for those seeking employment or aiming for a promotion.

As for Venus, it is in Leo. We tend to look at ourselves in the mirror a bit more than usual... But can we blame ourselves? Summer is in full swing, and the sun is about to enter Leo, the sign of light par excellence. The sextile of the planet of love to Jupiter tells us that love will be intense!

Mercury is also in Leo and will enter Virgo on July 26. For now, before entering the hardworking sign of Virgo, Mercury is shining. Thought and the mind are very focused on self-promotion, and debates can be stormy. Indeed, Mercury is square Mars and Uranus. It's challenging to hold one's tongue in these conditions... Be cautious because a full moon in Capricorn demands humility!

Full Moon in Capricorn on June 22

It's on the second day of summer that the full moon forms in Capricorn. We're closing the first semester in the domain of Saturn, where the sensitivity of the moon becomes quite relative as Capricorn is cold and dry. While the full moon is in Capricorn, the sun is in Cancer, in the domain of the moon. Summer has started, and the Cancer-Capricorn axis is in the spotlight. This axis of evolution describes our origins to our highest realization, our childhood, and our adult life. It's interesting to analyze when we want to understand where we come from and where we're going.

On June 22, the sun and the moon are square Neptune. The haziest planet, one of the most misunderstood, brings its most bewildering aspects. Indeed, a square to Neptune tends to make us blind. It makes us forget appointments and leads us to mistake one thing for another. So, take out your calendars and set automatic reminders on your smartphones, as it's better to guard against embarrassing forgetfulness!

Let's observe Saturn, ruling this full moon: Saturn is just starting a sextile aspect with Uranus. We experienced the Saturn-Uranus square and the crisis of 2020; now, we will live what this duo has to offer positively. Certainly, Saturn is not familiar with entertainment, but Uranus has an immoderate taste for freedom. We can expect the two to describe a positive period where the authorities won't hinder us from finding real spaces of freedom.

In fact, the upcoming days seem pleasantly gentle with the sun, Mercury, and Venus in Cancer. Venus has just entered to regain a sensitivity it had lost a bit in Gemini. Being sextile Mars in Taurus, love life is gentle and also finds an echo in the world of desire. But beware, Neptune is lurking! It's better not to commit too quickly, as one would be blind to all that is necessary to see in the first days of a relationship, for example. Mercury is also sextile Mars, which will awaken the mind that tends to doze off in Cancer. In any case, we won't lack imagination, fitting the summer period when we tend to dream our lives.

Mercury rules over Jupiter in Gemini. Even if Jupiter finds Gemini a bit cramped, it's not doing so bad, benefiting from a trine with Pluto. The world of thought and communication benefits from these transits. In the gentle atmosphere of Cancer, we find ways to connect with each other, with a social fabric that can regain substance. We just need to be careful to open our eyes well, as in the Neptune fog, a bad surprise can sometimes hide. In any case, let's enjoy the sun-Venus conjunction in Cancer, which, despite the Neptunian confusion, brings us comfort. Cancer is the sign of embrace and benevolence.

With the moon having rulership and being in Capricorn, we must find enough discernment not to be lulled to sleep by the master of the oceans and its illusions.

Full Moon in Capricorn on May 23

The last month of spring has just begun with the sun entering Gemini. Home to Mercury, Gemini is the most curious sign of the zodiac—exploring various subjects, inclined towards learning and exchanges. It faces Sagittarius, where the full moon forms on May 23, 2024. Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, is opposite Gemini in the zodiac, resonating in our psyche. While in Gemini, we seek to learn by skimming through various thoughts, in Sagittarius, we strive to delve into grand theories. The idea in Sagittarius is to discover our ideals, those that will be the pillars of our existence, define them, and spread them. Thus, religions and philosophies are born in Sagittarius.

The moon is indeed opposite the sun, but also opposite Venus and Jupiter, which happens to be the ruler of this full moon. Jupiter will enter Gemini on May 26, but at the very last degree of Gemini, it is already beginning to absorb Mercurial energies. It's somewhat like large shoes for the most imposing planet after the sun. Hence, we will need to learn to deal with the world of ideas more than the world of grand ideals. Gradually, grand theories will emerge, drawing on the Gemini's experiential nature. In Gemini, we need to practice, to test, and it is through thought experiments that we can imagine theories and philosophies. Let's not forget that Einstein conceived his grand theories through simple thought experiments...

Venus enters Gemini the day after this full moon: love becomes more cerebral, and our romantic relationships need to be nourished by intellect, by exchanges that feed the heart. It's not a time for passion but a time to connect the mind and the heart to create an alchemy that benefits both. Try the art of seduction through words by sharing what you have learned, which should resonate on the emotional level.

But don't worry; this full moon is not just cerebral. Neptune, trine to the moon and sextile to the sun, ensures an atmosphere of compassion and benevolence. Added to the sun-Venus conjunction, Neptune establishes a climate of gentleness. Exchanges are pleasant, rooted in sharing rather than pedantry. The naturally nervous and excitable Gemini season is greatly softened by Neptune, smoothing edges, making us carefree, almost blind. This will also help us not to feel too much of Uranus' impetuosity, which opposes the moon.

Pluto also has a role to play, sextile to the moon and trine to the sun: intuition is on the menu for the full moon. Pluto represents instinct, intuition, and of course, the esoteric. Take an interest in the invisible and share this curiosity with those around you since we are in Gemini.

As for Mars, it continues to move through Aries, very dynamic, masculine, but also spontaneous and optimistic. In this Gemini season, Mars sketches a period full of enthusiasm and energy that we can naturally appreciate, provided we don't let ourselves be carried away by anger expressed through Mars' sesquiquadrate to the moon.

Full Moon April 24, 2024

As we have just entered the Taurus season, the full moon on April 24th forms in the sign of Scorpio. It involves the axis of possessions and dispossession, gains and losses, material and the invisible, labor, and stock market investments. Taurus is a time of enjoying the nature around us and the goods we have harvested during the Aries season. Now, we sit at the table without rushing, embracing a somewhat Epicurean way of life.

However, the moon and the sun are square Pluto. The most dissonant aspect in astrology involves the most misunderstood and feared planet. Pluto rules this full moon in Scorpio, making it particularly significant. At the second degree of Aquarius, Pluto now tackles overturning our high technologies and our relationship to social life, including increasing distancing, for example. This dissonant aspect of Pluto induces fears and the feeling that certain things could be lost in complete helplessness, and it is our relationship to the axis of possessions and dispossession that is in Pluto's grasp. The fear of loss? Anxieties about your income? Concerns about bequests and other forms of inheritance? Each person will see how it resonates within them.

It is interesting to note that Jupiter and Uranus have recently started their cycle in Taurus, meaning that Jupiter will move around the zodiac to join Uranus in over 12 years. We talk about it today because the ruler of this full moon, Pluto, is in the domicile of Uranus, and there is a connection between Pluto and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction that could find a trigger these days. We are going to witness a revolution in our way of consuming and nourishing ourselves. Money is also at the center of discussions with the topic of cryptocurrency. Destruction of an old system for a new 100% digital system?

Mercury is still retrograde but quickly turns direct two days after this full moon. In Aries, the mind will regain its natural vivacity, and its conjunction with Venus speaks of love. It might be time to express what has matured enough in our hearts. But it is also a time to reflect on what we love and, therefore, on our way of making a living. Probably, ideas will flow following this introspection during Mercury's retrograde.

As for Mars, the desire, it is still between Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. One gives it form, the other softens it. Mars's sense is still far from what we know, protecting us from any aggressiveness. The fact that Pluto is in dissonance with the sun and the moon should still alert us to Mars's secret activities. The speed of Mercury, its haste, should not make us blind. Mars is, however, sextile Uranus and Jupiter, ensuring diversity and opportunities, but we must not forget that this full moon can potentially cause losses for those who rush. The sesquiquadrate of the full moon to Neptune helps us decide on this matter: attention! In doubt, it is better to postpone certain investments.

Definition of the Full Moon:

The Moon takes about 29 days to travel through the zodiac. The New Moon occurs when the Moon is conjoined with the Sun and indistinguishable to the eye. It takes 14 days to reach its apogee, in opposition to the Sun, then it is the Full Moon. Then it shrinks for the next 14 days to return to the New Moon position.

During the Full Moon, the star of the night is at its maximum distance from the Sun, thus forming an opposition in the opposite sign to its position. The Moon then reflects the sunlight in a luminous disc.

A Full Moon symbolizes clear consciousness, everything that was sensed is now seen with clarity. This clear consciousness of situations helps us achieve our fulfilment. Our relationships become more important than our personal aspirations.
The Full Moon connects us to others and sometimes induces a state of tension (nervousness, insomnia).

People born at the time of the Full Moon are more objective and more nuanced in their approach to relationship problems. The Full Moon encourages discussion, negotiation, and compromise, but not always in serenity...
1. Breaking news July 2024
2. Discover Full Moon July 21, 2024
3. New Moon of August 4, 2024
4. Predictions and influence of Venus in 2025
5. Calendar of the Full Moon in 2025
6. New Moon Calendar for 2025
7. New Moon Calendar for 2024
8. Predictions and influence of Venus in 2024
9. Calendar of the Full Moon in 2024

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