Under their enigmatic nature the people of the Capricorn sign hide treasures of loyalty and generosity. Their profound feelings and deep-ingrained convictions certify that you can count on them in any circumstances. They are adepts of flawless organization since they hate the unpredictable and the uncertainty. What are their best qualities? Capricorns are loved for their sobriety, prudency and realism.

Important: if you don't recognise yourself 100%, don't panic, you can check out your Ascendant profile for adding to your portrait
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Other signs: Signs of the zodiac
Love Qualities of Capricorn
The Capricorn sign is considerate, prudent, patient, stable and active: In love they are capable of all kinds of devotion and sacrifice, provided that their partner values them and succeeds in delivering them from their inhibitions. They are serious as partners, prudent and attentive.
Single: They are prudent and reserved lovers who need quite some time to get attached but later show their absolute loyalty and readiness to sacrifice a lot for nourishing their relationships in a positive way.
In couple: They are reliable and courageous partners who don't lack discreet but irresistible imagination. They don't like unexpected situations and always seek to secure the future for themselves as well as for their close ones.
Friendship Qualities of Capricorn
Capricorns are constant, modest, realistic and courageous: Their realistic rigor nourished by their thorn of corrosive humor participates a lot in their charm. They remain the ones who you can count on in any circumstances.
Long-standing friendship: They are discreet and faithful friends who sometimes have better success in friendships than in love. They possess a sense of solidarity and always have practical solutions at their disposal in case of trouble, especially a material one.
Party: Capricorns often keep aloof when a party begins but when they relax they become cheerful and can amuse the whole crowd. They are the first to take profit from the life's delights with gormandize if the occasion is exceptional.
Family Qualities of Capricorn
The Capricorn sign is responsible, enduring and structured: People of this sign are full of panache and lead their dear ones on the tracks of overcoming themselves and of universal culture. They represent an important engine in their family members' evolution.
As parents, Capricorns square up to their responsibilities without a micron's swerving. Their attachment is infrangible but they require their children to reveal inexorably straightforward.
Children Capricorns are loyal kids who attach great importance to decorum rules. They are in need of a securing and structured environment. They can be entrusted at an early age such responsibilities as managing their pocket money...
Financial Qualities of Capricorn
The Capricorn sign is reasonable, economical and realistic: Money mostly serves Capricorns to secure their rears, consolidate their future and get armed against the unpredictable which they loathe; they don't deliberately seek to grow rich but rather to acquire a good reputation.
How they manage money: They are very prudent in investments and capable to save for a long time in order to avoid taking a loan.
How they spend money: They are not attracted by frivolities and prefer spending money for long-standing items that never go out of fashion. They are capable of great sacrifice for buying some real estate property.
Vacation Qualities of Capricorn
The Capricorn sign is organized, far-sighted, measured and pragmatic: Capricorns are distant but attentive and their practical sense protects them from dozens of misadventures. They are discreet but mindful companions, grateful when you reckon on them in practical problems and they respect the others' choices.
In summer: They often prefer mountain to the sea, both by their taste of solitude and of effort. Between a swim-and-tan and a climbing or rafting day, the choice is often a prompt one.
In winter: In winter Capricorns will get great delight in snowshoe strolls or in cross-country skiing. They prefer endurance activities to pure speed competition.
Come with them, you've never had such a revitalizing vacation before!
Memo of the Capricorn's qualities: disciplined, scrupulous, structured, constant
Capricorns flee from changes, they don't like surprises, these people are eternally anxious for whom it is really difficult to envisage structure perturbations in serenity...
A little + : This is a sign of remarkable constancy and inexorable loyalty.
Home Qualities of Capricorn
Capricorns are sober-minded, attentive, conscious, hard-working: Capricorns are attached to the value of things: they carefully maintain, in the absence of imagination, everything they respect because it is worth money. These are good managers who invest a lot of will into making their home a comfortable and securing place.
In duet: Capricorns constantly structure their couple, they seek to arrange their relationship in the long run and develop excellent strategies for achieving it.
In family: As partners they are a bit silent but always present and they possess a great sense of responsibility. They appreciate being bolstered by their second half, especially for everything that concerns psychological well-being since they are mostly interested in management.
When they get up: They are disciplined and stable in their habits, even though they appreciate stay-in-bed-late mornings in case these don't jeopardize their activities.
In the evening: They suffer slightly from anxiety in the face of life's unpredictability, which can delay their drop-off to sleep. This is a typical sign who feels better with a linden or chamomile infusion.
Work Qualities of Capricorn
The Capricorn sign is reliable, ambitious, rigorous and persevering: This is an incarnation of a pertinacious, persevering and perfectly honest laborer. They seek no glory or honor but fair recognition of their loyalty and reassuring evolution of their revenue.
The Capricorn sign: As colleagues they strive above all to be profitable and efficient. They are discreet, often modest but aspire to obtain their seniors' esteem.
As bosses they are a bit cold, sometimes paternalistic but reasonable in their requirements and respectable for the workload they perform themselves.
If independent, with them you are in confidence, serenity and discretion. Their reputation is the result of hard work since they don't spare themselves.
Fitness Qualities of Capricorn
The Capricorn sign is moderate, enduring, patient and disciplined: Capricorns are enduring and good at preserving their energy, their tastes lead them to simple and healthy meals; these are adepts of physical activity such as walking or climbing.
In sport: Capricorns feel at ease in disciplines where patience, rigor and concentration are appropriate. They are in their sphere on a football field, a golf course, on a cross-country ski-run, a yoga mat or in a floor gymnastics course.
Nutrition: Capricorns discipline themselves in order to get to the end of a balanced diet while eating healthy and learning to vary pleasures. Determined as they are, they never find it hard to achieve their objective, even if it brings them through a restriction phase.