You are having a breakup? Or pause in your relationship? The grief of love can make us fall into a deep confusion. Not to let oneself fall down, to welcome and to recognize what we live intimately and to understand what is being played out in us are crucial internal attitudes to turn the page and move on. According to your sign of the zodiac, we deliver you an idea to exploit in correspondence with your affective temperament to go up the slope. Place with astrological signs...

How to overcome your broken heart?
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    Our astro tips to overcome your broken heartConsider a relationship without a future : If poor relationships are often discouraged, temporarily dating someone soon after you break up may be good for you. This would have the advantage of helping you to feel desirable and above all, to forget your ex. You may also feel less anxious and more independent by starting to go out with a stranger. You could ask a friend or relative to introduce you to someone. And who knows, over time, you might realize that this may be an ideal meeting meant to last!


    Our astro tips to overcome your broken heartMourn : Do not take a 180° turn by immediately creating your profile on a dating site. Allow a little time to digest your breakup. Even if you judge that you are not suffering, it is important to mourn your feelings. This will save you from going out with the same type of partner and actually going to someone else. Indeed, a heartbreak can be a transition stage, that is to change the relationship.


    Our astro tips to overcome your broken heartExploit your creativity : A heartache could release your emotions in all directions. So, the best thing you can do is focus on something you cherish. You might as well choose the writing to purge your heartache, draw by registering for a class, or practice a sport that stimulates you by joining an amateur team. In fact, you will be more relaxed and will be able to meet new people. The main thing is not to let yourself be overwhelmed by your emotions; your mind will take over your activity.


    Our astro tips to overcome your broken heartClean out your ex's possessions : Removing yourself from the past is part of the inner journey, and even more so when it comes to a heartbreak. Make an effort on yourself and get a box to accommodate all your ex's possessions. And even if it costs you, do this sentimental household, whatever happens, you will see that it will relieve you of a weight! Once the course of heartache passed, you will allow yourself to reopen the box and decide what to do with reflection.


    Our astro tips to overcome your broken heartPractice a sport : You will benefit a lot from practicing a little sport every day. Sweating you will make your heart lighter. Enter an active physical dynamic and try to go for some jogging but in a diligent way. If you're struggling to get away from home, call a friend to take you to a fitness class to get you emulating. And this also applies to jogging: running in tandem can also be a good alternative.


    Our astro tips to overcome your broken heartOrder to clear your thoughts: Buy a notebook to put everything you experience; if you prefer a PC type on your keyboard your feeling without trying to limit you, let go for real telling you that only you will access these very personal writings. So, you get away from your heartache. This will give you the opportunity to raise questions like "What were the real trouble spots in our relationship? How do I feel now? �», Etc. Above all, lend yourself to this exercise without cheating.


    Our astro tips to overcome your broken heartClear your mind: You are vulnerable in nature when you are going through break-ups. To prevent anxiety that may occur in your case, learn the breathing exercises that will be of great help to you. Choose a quiet and secluded place to sit. Inhale-exhale focusing on your breath only. You will refocus and be able to relativize as and when your practice. By gradually getting out of your heartache, you will see more clearly. And if you want to improve yourself, sign up for a yoga class that relies particularly on liberating

    breathing exercises.


    Our astro tips to overcome your broken heartRebuild : The first thing you need to do to overcome your heartache is not to contact your ex and the second to isolate yourself. These attitudes will only hurt you more, as will your loved ones. Your zodiacal sign may have unfortunate tendencies to self-destruction, so you should in this case get closer to a friend or a member of your family. In empty passages, you are prone to seeing things in black: do not hesitate to consult a coach for example or practice a sport; it will fit very well with your

    combative nature.


    Our astro tips to overcome your broken heartUse positive affirmations : Positive affirmations will give you the opportunity to nurture your optimistic outlook on life, especially when you feel overwhelmed or exceeded by a heartache. By embodying your positive affirmations in the morning, using your body and a determined gesture, you will climb the slope while drawing positive to you. Choose words that speak to you and touch your emotions, they will have more impact and power on you!


    Our astro tips to overcome your broken heartGet your priorities straight : It is better that you feel ready to commit before taking action. It is best to go where you are too fragile and take care of yourself at first. Have a good time with your family or friends. Then rest assured, redefine your needs and work on your personal development. When your heart is calm, you will be in a better position to start a new relationship. Be indulgent and patient with yourself and do not try to burn the steps.


    Our astro tips to overcome your broken heartContinue your journey : To overcome your emotional pain, turn to your friends and acquaintances. You will have a good time with them, you will go to exhibitions and openings, you will attend conferences. As you also need to understand how you function at the heart level, you provide yourself with books on heartache to better understand what has happened or you are visiting specialists on the subject; your cerebral character will better understand things in order to better challenge you.


    Our astro tips to overcome your broken heartTake care of yourself: What you have better to do is not to go down morally. Your vulnerability must not have the last word. Take care of yourself, pamper yourself as much as you can. Make a visit to the hairdresser, have a massage, go relax in a pool, you will see that there is nothing more delicious than to do good when things have not turned so well. And you will begin to see life with all its potential for reconstruction.