Can your love life withstand the passage of time? Do you remember when everything started with a look, an attitude, a charming joke? What if you could find that spark again? What is the trick that will blow on the embers, buried under the ashes of habits, in order to revive your love? Let's examine the case below according to your astrological sign

Enveloped in Devotion: Forget the person you are, the one who is caught in a whirlwind of social responsibilities and needy tasks, and focus your attention on your partner when they speak to you. Give them your all, ask questions, forget yourself a little, subscribe to their ideas and have a heart of gold with depth and sincerity. This will mark the difference from your usual individualistic aura.
Allow New Impulses of the Heart: Do not be lazy or shut off because your couple's life has become ossified in monotonous or boring habits. Bring Valentine's Day at a moment's notice, and warm your lover's heart by giving them a gift, writing a sweet note on a post-it or a surprise that is out of the ordinary to show that you thought of them.
Consolidate: Renew a link with your ex or approach your loved ones by sharing good news or your feelings, without being too aloof. Merge, vibrate to their pitch and be ready to submit to their proposals for an outing or activities, even if you are not especially a fan of this idea. The main thing is to unite your heart by erasing this intellectual distance that stops you from getting involved emotionally sometimes.
Give Yourself the Right to be Happy: After a breakup we do not specifically allow ourselves to be fulfilled and this is probably a mistake because we should use the breakup to have fun and find activities that we had dismissed or even buried. Allow yourself a nice outfit or sign up for comedy classes, whatever you've been wanting to for a long time. Take the time to have fun and regain self-confidence, it will heal you and your charisma will rise from the ashes and will arouse new attention.
Make an Effort to Transform: Put all your resources and your radiant desire to work to change everything. You will surprise your partner by sending a big smile to your mother-in-law and accepting your other half's proposal to visit them. You will then be able to establish a new connection within your duo by rekindling a surprising, dynamic and even idyllic complicity.
Prefer a Positive Attitude: Rather than lump together all possible partners because of a bad emotional experience, mentally draw a list of qualities of your ex even if it may seem difficult. By doing so you will notice some traits of character in others that deserve to be noted. Thus you will program a virtuous circle while opening yourself up to infinite possibilities
Play Tactile Sensations: Relaunch physical contact with your partner during a conversation based on their words or a look. It will suffice to touch them almost accidentally or even intentionally and then you will find a caress on the shoulder, a stolen kiss and finally an innocent hug will turn more and more caliente after the next step. Reviving the senses is essential for the Venusian you are.
Wakeup Their Internal Volcano: You have an obvious need to establish emotional, intellectual and sensual intimacy with your partner. If you stay on the periphery of feeling, only touching things in a lethargic routine, you will not be able to reignite it. Convocate your appetite for life while sublimating your fears or shyness. It is better to be yourself, even if you are a little awkward than to fall asleep under the ruin of a drowsy passion.
Find Balance: It is important to consider a relationship where you will not necessarily do everything together. Sharing is very good but your duo needs as much intimacy as personal activities or to take time with a third friend, for example. Passion between you, certainly, but also a bit of fresh air, a personal ground that will avoid the feeling of neediness.
Invent Flirtatious Games: You must spice up your duo, sprinkle your relationship with a little lightness, teasing and humor and do not get stuck in old habits. Use your imagination and meet your other half in a bar pretending like you are meeting for the very first time. In this little game of love at first sight, the spark of desire could give you the sensation of novelty. A bit of daring and everything feels complete!
Make a Constructive Assessment: It is not because you have gone through a period of turmoil that you have to become suspicious, thoughtful, introverted. Being disappointed must allow you to start on a more solid foundation and not to give up the concept of "love". The story with your ex did not bear fruit but gave you the opportunity to redefine what a relationship is with its flaws and strengths. With its principles, you will know who to engage with the future and what the ideal conditions are for doing so.
Dilute Your Worries: Reignite a good atmosphere with jokes or inside jokes so that you have a new connection with your partner; it can start with a challenge that does not look like a lot, but the laughter and the tickling that follows almost naturally will open the doors to a hot, vibrant and resounding climate and that's how everything becomes allowed again. Bravo, you've done it!