You too can stay ahead of the game where the stars are concerned, if you install the Free Horoscope app on your iPhone now: completely FREE !

Discovering the Free Horoscope app for iPhone and iPad is like entering the magical world of Astrology with an interactive wheel, logos and a customised design to make it really easy to read.
There is also an ingenious simple colour-coded menu, so you can easily find all your horoscopes and Astro information. With the Free Horoscope iPhone/iPad app, you can read all your traditional horoscopes (for that day, the next day, the day after next, monthly, weekly, seasonal and annual).
On your iPhone, you also have the advantage of a Push system, which will alert you to a preview of all the updates for your birth sign and you can set up the days you want to receive your daily horoscope!
Download here: Free Horoscope iPhone / iPad
An app with a 100% positive response from all our subscribers! So, install it on your iPhone and/or iPad and enjoy the star ratings and excellent exclusive information from our astrologers.