This card bears the number XIX and is full of light. The Sun shines and illuminates, bringing light and nourishment. The Sun is personified on the card, with eyes, a nose and a mouth; an image of paternal benevolence. The two characters figuring below it are lit up and warmed by the rays. This card symbolises sharing, brotherhood and friendship.

This is one of the best cards in the Tarot of Marseille, along with the World. It is synonymous with success, wealth, energy and power. This is a card of true love, that helps to make miracles. It is a sign of truth and sincerity where human relationships are concerned.

Drawn face up
The Sun card drawn upright is a very good sign, which shows that the consultant is happy and full of energy. They have quite simply found happiness. This is a card that evokes luck. It brightens up all other cards, even when the neighbouring ones are negative. The consultant will get everything that they desire. They will be able to be happy with what they have, because their happiness is built on pure, healthy foundations.
Its meanings: success, friendship, joy, happiness
Drawn upside-down
Drawn upside-down, however, the Sun card is a sign of deep sadness. The Sun turns black, the consultant falls into a depression. They lose their sense of harmony, entering a period of conflict both internally and externally. Relationships with others become strained, and the person begins to isolate themselves. Failing will sap at their morale, and they won't know where they're headed. Their friends will give up on them, and some links they just won't know how to reforge. This is a moment in their lives filled with misunderstandings, and in which dialogue becomes practically non-existent.
Its meanings: lies, solitude, failure
The Sun is a card that shines brightly, and triumphs over unhappiness. It is a symbol of success, and when drawn, announces something positive, unless it is turned over. In this case, all its initial qualities turn to handicaps.