This series of cards corresponds to the personal values that are intertwined with personality, and human strengths and weaknesses. It also relates to the signs of the Zodiac. Note: the 9 of Clubs appears in 2 series: the Golden Fleece and the Order of Time

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The 7 of Clubs
- Group: The Order of Time
- Effect: Mainly positive
- Description: The god Pan tries to escape from a giant
- Flower: Chinese Hibiscus (festivities)
- Constellation: Orion
- Sign of the Zodiac: Capricorn
- Numerical Value: 10
The 9 of Hearts
- Group: The Order of Time
- Effect: Very positive
- Description: Hercules fights the Nemean Lion.
- Flower: Lilac (choice)
- Constellation: Regulus
- Sign of the Zodiac: Leo
- Numerical Value: 77
The 9 of Clubs
- Group: The Golden Fleece and the Order of Time
- Effect: Variable
- Description: Hercules is fighting the Lernean Hydra, but the crayfish sent by Juno is about to pinch him.
- Flower: Clover (humility)
- Constellation: Hercules In Astrology
- Sign of the Zodiac: Cancer
- Numerical Value: 15
The Jack of Hearts
- Group: The Order of Time
- Effect: Positive
- Description: Jupiter gives Bacchus his duties.
- Flower: Fuchsia (tormented mind)
- Constellation: Corona Borealis
- Sign of the Zodiac: Aries
- Numerical Value: 15
The 3 of Diamonds
- Group: The Order of Time
- Effect: Negative
- Description: Castor and Pollux.
- Flower: Rosemary (hopes)
- Constellation: Pollux
- Sign of the Zodiac: Gemini
- Numerical Value: 03
The Queen of Hearts
- Group: The Order of Time
- Effect: Mainly positive
- Description: Jupiter shows Astraea the place she holds in Heaven
- Flower: Mauve Lilac (reward)
- Constellation: Coma Berenices
- Sign of the Zodiac: Virgo
- Numerical Value: 03
The 5 of Diamonds
- Group: The Order of Time
- Effect: Mainly negative
- Description: Phaethon rides the chariot of the sun god.
- Flower: Yellow clover (deceit)
- Constellation: Chamaeleon
- Sign of the Zodiac: Scorpio
- Numerical Value: 02
The Ace of Spaces
- Group: The Order of Time
- Effect: Mainly negative
- Description: Jupiter turns himself into a bull to abduct Europa.
- Flower: Sweet Pea (bad choices)
- Constellation: Auriga
- Sign of the Zodiac: Taurus
- Numerical Value: 06
The 8 of Diamonds
- Group: The Unforeseen and the Order of Time
- Effect: Very positive
- Description: Ganymede serves nectar and ambrosia to the gods.
- Flower: Chrysanthemum (inner beauty)
- Constellation: Musca
- Sign of the Zodiac: Aquarius
- Numerical Value: 01
The 5 of Spades
- Group: The Order of Time
- Effect: Positive
- Description: The Centaur is mortally wounded by Hercules' arrow.
- Flower: Yellow Carnation (laziness)
- Constellation: Dorado
- Sign of the Zodiac: Sagittarius
- Numerical Value: 01
The 4 of Hearts
- Group: The Order of Time
- Effect: Negative
- Description: Venus and Cupid sit astride dolphins.
- Flower: Carthamus (bad advice)
- Constellation: Cygnus
- Sign of the Zodiac: Pisces
- Numerical Value: 08
The Jack of Spades
- Group: The Order of Time
- Effect: Positive
- Description: The Alchemist attempts to balance the scales.
- Flower: Periwinkle (fault)
- Constellation: Perseus
- Sign of the Zodiac: Libra
- Numerical Value: 21