16:16 is a repetition of the number 16. In numerology and astrology, it's interesting to see it as a sum: the numbers 1 and 6 giving 7.

Numerological interpretation of the mirror hour 16:16
7 symbolizes the need to learn, to understand things deeply. It helps you create emotional distance and elevate yourself spiritually. It invites you to find the right balance between action and reflection, reason and instinct. This number allows you to tap into the necessary resources for your evolution.
Positive aspects of 7: Analysis, quest for wisdom, altruism, erudition, prudence, discernment
Negative aspects of 7: Elitism, contempt, illusion, indifference, detachment, mistrust
The guardian angel associated with the mirror hour 16:16
What message does the universe send you with the mirror hour 16:16 and its guardian angel Vehuel? The mirror hour 16:16 indicates that a disruption is underway or to be expected. This might lead you to isolate yourself or to question yourself. Know how to go beyond a wounded ego and focus on what is the source, the true nature of this event. The hidden meaning is what will bring you the answer to your request. Sometimes it's better to "demolish" everything to rebuild on a new, solid foundation, without flaws. You need to find your sense of humor and take the situation as a challenge rather than with anger or by believing you're a victim of what's happening.
Regain your composure and revise your perspective. You need to "land on your feet" again and readjust your actions and thoughts.
The guardian angel Vehuel accompanies you through your trials. He helps you act and think wisely with self-respect and respect for others. He accompanies you in harmonizing your energies. He is of precious help by protecting you from harmful influences. Discover your guardian angel too
Interpretation of the mirror hour 16:16 with the Tarot
The Tower: arcane number 16 corresponds to the mirror hour 16:16
Under the influence of The Tower, the mirror hour 16:16 signifies sudden change, questioning, reconstruction, and challenges to overcome. The situation is tense; your will alone won't suffice to avoid crises or necessary ruptures for your evolution. You'll have to let go, accept the unforeseen, face one or the other unexpected crisis. It's a bit chaotic, but there are disorders that lead to a higher harmony. You're struggling with a crisis necessary for your evolution. Your resistance won't change the course of destiny, and you'd gain more by accepting the inevitable, sacrificing acquired things to start afresh on healthier bases afterward.
Advice from the card: Focus on introspection, wisdom, and humility to accept events as they come. Don't flee your responsibilities and be ready to dive deep to resurface: don't resist upheavals, accompany them with your good will to eventually start afresh with success.
Positive aspect of the card: It's a challenging passage but filled with promises if you accept the lessons of humility. We can't foresee or calculate everything in life, and some crises are ultimately beneficial.
Negative aspect of the card: It's a somewhat difficult moment inducing a lot of nervous tension or uncontrollable emotions. You'd do well to remain vigilant to limit the damage, but without falling into excess, which dramatizes everything