21:21 is a repetition of the number 21. In numerology and astrology, it's interesting to see it as a sum: the numbers 2 and 1 yielding 3.

3 represents sociability, inspiration, creativity, cheerfulness, multiple activities, and human relationships. It invites you to share your impressions, adapt to all situations with surprising ease, and move forward without unnecessary questioning. This number also indicates that you know how to use your charm to seduce brilliantly.
Positive aspects of 3: Originality, charm, creativity, communication skills
Negative aspects of 3: Lack of perseverance, bad faith, nervousness, imbalance
The guardian angel associated with the mirror hour 21:21
What message does the universe send you with the mirror hour 21:21 and its guardian angel Damabiah? The mirror hour 21:21 indicates total success in what you are currently achieving. Whether on a personal or professional level, what you prioritize at the moment is on the path to success. Your family bonds are important, and you like everyone to feel well. However, you must ensure to let them live their part without trying to do everything for them. Take a moment to relax to stay connected to your inner wisdom and recharge.
You have great qualities, but you must stay focused on your priorities to avoid scattering or falling into the trap of hyperemotionality.
The guardian angel Damabiah accompanies you in creating opportunities and ideas to move forward on the path to success. He helps you remain consistent and well-centered in your goals. He is also a valuable ally in managing your emotional impulses by helping you calm down and find inner peace. Discover your guardian angel too
Interpretation of the mirror hour 21:21 with the Tarot
The World: arcane number 21 corresponds to the mirror hour 21:21
Read: the full meaning of The World
Under the influence of The World, the mirror hour 21:21 signifies success, evolution, harmony, fulfillment, rebirth, triumph. You are at the peak of a cycle, at your best, charming, and influential. Your love life is "perfect," your friends supportive, and you enjoy a good reputation at work. All these beautiful influences spill over into your finances, affections, and activities. You just need to control a slight tendency to excess, and you will hit the jackpot! It's an excellent time for you to fully accomplish yourself. All fields of possibility are open.
Advice from the card: Fulfillment is within reach. So, trust your intuition, listen to your inner voice, and head towards what matters most to you.
Positive aspect of the card: You are at the peak of your abilities, and your various achievements reflect this newfound fulfillment, both in your romantic relationships, friendships, and activities. You are very insightful and do exactly what is needed in any circumstance. Promotion, profits, and romantic luck will be the effects!
Negative aspect of the card: Be careful not to lock yourself into narrow conceptions, otherwise, it will prevent you from taking the life path that is truly yours.