Scorpio: your horoscope for the February 11, 2025
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    Between dream and reality, you will notice a gap. Do not give in to pessimism; the problem at hand is only temporary. The intervention of a friend will help you considerably to see more clearly.

    Sun in square a Uranus

    It is time to claim and assume a new autonomy.

    Scorpio / Mood



    The overheated spirits swirling around you make you lose your composure; isolate yourself if you need to concentrate. Friendly relationships are favored; seek agreements that suit you.

    Scorpio / Love



    An unexpected episode, from an uncommon story, forces you to step out of your reserve. You demonstrate through A + B the elements that seem important to you and you resolve the difficulties.

    In a relationship: The Moon helps to enhance your partner's intentions and make them more delicate. You are touched and sensitive to their subtle declaration, but you struggle to fully express your emotions. You glimpse a certain ideal, without being able to quite reach it.

    Single: You have sometimes misjudged people's intentions, and it has made you vulnerable, even causing you pain. The moon allows you to start over. Even if you still feel vulnerable, it illuminates the right direction with its light. You will then find your own path, which gives you confidence about the future.

    Scorpio / Money



    You are going through a somewhat difficult period in terms of budget, you are unable to get out of a heavy financial liability. As soon as you spend more money than expected, your old difficulties come back to the forefront, this is what you fear.

    Scorpio / Work



    You easily extrapolate and some have difficulty following you. Clearly express your vision of the organization: this will help move things along faster. Your team trusts you.

    Scorpio / Leisure



    It is a good day to clearly express your will, to organize your future with enthusiasm, to share good moments among people with good intentions. Whatever you do, act!

    What about your Decan today ?

    The moon is in Leo, in position 09 degree(s), 44 minute(s): Receptive to appearances, spectacular reactions. Atmosphere of generosity, organisational skills.

    Scorpio / Today, the sky strengthens the spirit of initiative. It's a creative day for artists, a little bossy for chefs but the climate is enterprising and festive, make plans!

    First decan

    Born between: 24th October & 3rd November

    Today, the sky strengthens the spirit of initiative. It's a creative day for artists, a little bossy for chefs but the climate is enterprising and festive, make plans!

    Scorpio / You feel easily stifled or neglected and you do not hesitate to negotiate, but you still have excellent opportunities to express yourself, or even to claim. You risk making gaps, blunders; still need a little patience!

    Second decan

    Born between: 4th November & 13th November

    You feel easily stifled or neglected and you do not hesitate to negotiate, but you still have excellent opportunities to express yourself, or even to claim. You risk making gaps, blunders; still need a little patience!

    Scorpio / To annoy you and to sting where it hurts will not serve anything, on the contrary. Try to stay zen and diplomatic whatever the situation.

    Third decan

    Born between: 14th November & 22nd November

    To annoy you and to sting where it hurts will not serve anything, on the contrary. Try to stay zen and diplomatic whatever the situation.

    If you have indeed had quite heavy financial burdens, you always feel apprehensive, you are afraid of overspending. Your budget remains fairly stable, and the upcoming period does not suggest any difficulties. You can relax.

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