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    Discover What May 2025 Holds for You: An Astrological Guide

    In this quintessential spring month, the celestial energies invite all children of the zodiac to savor life! The sun in Taurus until the 20th, accompanied by Uranus, creates a climate that is both tender and ready for all marvels! Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are encouraged to expand their field of consciousness and to take advantage of events that may be surprising (but truly beneficial in the long run) without missing a thing. On the 20th, the sun moves into Gemini joining Jupiter still at the helm (in the last decan), communication will be highlighted, opportunities could materialize through intelligently conducted conversations or promising and loyal encounters. Air signs should benefit from these positive energies as well as fire signs, very well-served this spring! Mercury transits three signs this month, Aries from the 1st to the 10th, Taurus from the 11th to the 26th, and Gemini for the end of the month, requiring adaptability in behavior from all, it would be good not to be stuck on one's mental positions, personal opinions but to follow the general flow. Venus in Aries and Mars in Leo facilitate matters of the heart, love stories, creations, passionate relationships with your children, this month looks to be very sentimental, hearts high! The notion of money is also important, strokes of luck in this area are not excluded. Saturn leaves Pisces and enters Aries on the 25th, the notion of leadership may take on particular significance.

    All fire signs should feel a very strong flow of energy, a desire to move forward with method and passion but be careful not to impose too rigid structures just because you want to evolve. Neptune also in Aries, 1st decan, softens the sign and gives it interesting spiritual openings, between Saturn and Neptune, the sign of Aries is in full evolution!

    Pluto in Aquarius but retrograde on the 5th, heralds collective changes that are not yet mature. The backdrop is there, projects are emerging, but the children of the zodiac must be patient, refine their ideas and projects, a great capacity for societal reform is dormant for now.

    Discover Your 2025 May Horoscope by Selecting Your Sign