A focus on your professional sphere invites you to stay focused, as energies will challenge you! New people or correspondence could shake up your work after the 21st, while Mars in Pisces continues to bring a strong fighting spirit to your professional sphere, helping you materialize what needs to be done. Jupiter in square to your sign brings some resistance from others on your path (especially after the 11th): negotiate with your superiors or colleagues, diplomacy is your strong suit. On the 6th, Venus moves into Aries and joins Saturn and Neptune: a contract turns in your favor or a partner provides support. After the 21st, the sun moves into Aries, making this end of the month likely significant in terms of events: rise to the occasion!
Libra: Love in General
Your love life requires your share of investment and respect towards each other: you aspire to absolute stability. However, communication may be a bit lacking, so listen to your own feelings and those of others. After the 2nd, your actions and desires become shrouded in mystery: complicated!
Libra: In a relationship
From the 6th, the duo Venus and Mars serve your married life, your feelings and desires, although a little fleeting, give you plenty of room to enjoy some lovely sensual and intimate moments together. Your partner will be demanding!
SingleAn explosive and passionate encounter is on the horizon! With Pluto in Aquarius forming a favorable aspect to your sign, a tidal wave of emotions and sensuality awaits you. Your emotional life is about to take a turn: will you rise to the occasion?
Libra: Career / Finance
Jupiter is favoring your career, but it won't happen without obstacles! Indeed, your colleagues or superiors will not be lenient with your performance or profitability, know exactly what is expected of you. After the 21st, a contract will turn in your favor: a more advantageous amendment?
Libra: Advice from FREE Horoscope
Tremors here and there will pepper this month and force you to adapt promptly: you know how to do it, don't panic! Changes are on the horizon: look ahead.
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