This month is shaping up to be intense and idealistic! The sky is pushing you to exceed your limits, with Aquarius energies requiring you to engage in introspection or sometimes drastic changes under the guidance of Pluto (1st decan). After the 15th, the atmosphere becomes less electric and more focused on a broad perspective that you appreciate. What do you want to commit to? With Mars in your sign, your dynamism will skyrocket, and you will act with passion and sometimes a bit of emotional tension, so be mindful of that. The professional sector is supported by Venus, and individuals could help you or your boss might notice your skills. You may reconnect with people from the past or take an interest in the less fortunate. Jupiter will favor various social circumstances conducive to this humanistic quest.
Cancer: Love in General
It's only after the 15th that you regain confidence in yourself, and your emotional life will benefit from the inner peace that you will exude. However, Mars in your sign sparks your desires, so make sure to align them with others to avoid unpleasant disagreements. Venus square Mars in Aries from the 4th intensifies your emotions, so proceed with caution.
Cancer: In a relationship
Don't bring anything from work if you want to preserve harmony with your partner. Especially since your physical appetite will be strong, your feelings passionate, and your partner may not have the same temperament, give them time to adjust to you!
SingleYour thirst for romantic conquest will be strong, allowing yourself even a few indiscretions like seducing someone in a committed relationship elsewhere? Find the right balance between your desires and reality. After the 15th, tenderness becomes your asset again!
Cancer: Career / Finance
Your work should occupy your mind almost all month, engage with passion, Mars in your sign strongly supports you there. Professional opportunities are dormant for now, but your time will come! Before the 15th, financial assistance from a third party or an awaited letter could help boost your growth.
Cancer: Advice from FREE Horoscope
Adapt to the strong influences that may come your way this month. Set aside your shy, sometimes overly sensitive personality and believe in yourself to achieve what you desire.
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