
Astrology in the world

Written by Alison

Since the dawn of time, men have been searching for the meaning of the world and their destiny. On all continents, at all times, insiders have addressed this issue and used elements of their environment to try to solve this puzzle. Many civilizations have observed the planetary movements and have developed different astrologies but others have based themselves on natural phenomena, seasons, trees, animals or flowers to find symbols corresponding to their personality. Others finally, like the Egyptians, have attributed a protective god for each period of the year.

So? What Egyptian God protects you? What are the characteristics of your Aztec sign? What is the correlation between your Western astrological sign and your Native American totem?
With David, travel to the land of ancestral symbols and enjoy all the exoticism and interest of discovering you through another culture, another era, another civilization.
Have a nice trip!

Back to Egyptian astrology!

If you were born between July 29th and August 11th, your Egyptian astrological sign is Sekhmett. Sekhmett is a terrifying goddess whose face shows no pity, no sweetness and seems to condemn the eyes of faulty humans. But it's still fair, equitable and we cannot influence it. She is a strict goddess who sets the boundaries between good and evil, right and wrong. She also has the power to heal. The natives of Sekhmett are honest, of high morality but often uncompromising with the weaknesses of others. They are sensitive and can, under the influence of their emotions, get angry or feed crazy passions. They do not easily trust and never forgive a traitor. It is a very observant sign that nothing escapes, his words are precise and his actions are clever but he lacks flexibility, indulgence. These natives also have a slightly pessimistic side. Written by Zagon

All about Anubis

If you were born between June 29th and July 13th, your Egyptian astrological sign is Anubis. Anubis is represented in two ways: either an elongated dog or a man with a dog's head. Anubis is the son of Isis who gave him his name. He is the god of the night, the shadow and the secrets. The natives of Anubis are a little cyclothymic, their moods are changing but they always find a way out of their problems on their own. They are emotional and delicate natives who hide their anxiety behind a smiling mask and a little mysterious. This discreet sign is very attached to its past and is attracted, for its future, by ideals often inaccessible, which makes it rather fatalistic. Written by Zagon

Your animal totem: the woodpecker

If you were born under the sign of Cancer, your animal totem in Native American astrology is the Woodpecker. Note that this bird is of the native type, which means that it has been evolving in the same regions for hundreds of years, and the fact that it is not a migratory bird refers to this particularity of the sign of Cancer, very attached to his homeland, his roots and his home. In addition, the Woodpecker spends its time banging its beak against the trunks to feed on small insects, which is also a characteristic of Cancer, a sign of food, whether it is real or emotional. In addition, their nesting period runs from late April to July, an interval in which is also the sign of Cancer. The nests made by the Pivert are firm (equilibrium of the hearth) but also squatted by starlings (hospitality). In terms of personality, the Woodpeckers are dedicated, loving, tender, protective and romantic. Written by David

Your Egyptian astrological sign: the Nile

If you were born between June 19th and 28th, your Egyptian astrological sign is the Nile. This deity is most often represented as an androgynous figure, surrounded by fertile attributes, offerings or with plant hair. The Nile was considered a god because of its miraculous annual floods, depositing alluvium capable of fertilizing the earth. In terms of character, natives are very receptive to people and places that feed their energy. They also manage to feel what is happening or hiding under the facade of things. They are very creative and everything that comes with beauty and luminous intelligence inspires them. Their personality is not without charm others. They are altruistic, courageous and full of positive energy. Sometimes, with their milk soup temperament, they can explode without warning but this does not prevent their entourage appreciate because they like to serve. Written by David

Your Egyptian astrological sign: Seth

If you were born between May 28th and June 18th, your Egyptian astrological sign is Seth. Hybrid deity with a slender muzzle and erect ears ending in square; it is one of the most complex on the character level. The natives generally move things in the sense that they create storms when the situation tends to freeze and presents no evolutionary perspective. This is why it is said that chaos can arise where you go so that change takes place. People born under Seth's guidance are great perfectionists with a passionate hunting spirit. They love the challenges, and once their goal is achieved, they do not dwell on their victories, eager to aim for other goals. This is why they are not attached to the past but more to the present and the future. Written by David

Back to Native American astrology!

For Native American shamans (born May 21-June 20), your animal symbol is the Deer in the Wheel of Life (if you are a sign of Gemini). In some cultures, such as China, the deer symbolizes longevity, which is reminiscent of the typical eternal youth of Gemini. And in Egyptian culture, he is described as a proud mammal who proudly wears his branches. The Deer slams like a voluble and demonstrative animal that screams its desires in its perimeter, cruelly lacking restraint and moderation. The divergence of character between females and males is the peaceful side of the first sex and the surly character of the second, which constitutes the double spirit of this animal. Its unleashed love affair gives the Stag a fickle and unfaithful image, but you must know that it is very faithful because it has a gregarious spirit and lives in a herd with its peers. It leaves the group only to make its last breath... A Celtic legend reports that a hunter chased his whole life the same doe and he gained a form of wisdom definitive through the experiences that enriched his way... Written by David

Your animal totem: the Falcon

If you were born between March 20th and April 19th, you are represented under the animal sign of Falcon in Native American astrology, the first totem spirit of the wheel of shaman life. So you are connected to solar power and your energy, both psychic and physical, is immense. As you see all at once from far away and at very high altitudes, you personify Providence and in fact, you are his eyes and his claw when he is on his prey. In this regard, you have a role of scout and indicator of good direction. Your frank and convincing words produce a fresh wind of serenity and hope, which is why you can often be solicited. The more you master your impulsiveness, the more you will be able to reach out to others with a form of wisdom while achieving your true autonomy. Internally developed, the Falcon becomes the bird of fire, that is to say the messenger between heaven and earth, conveying the heavenly law to humans. At this point, you become Horus, the Egyptian sun god with Hawk's head. Written by David

Escapade in Egyptian astrology

If you were born between January 22nd and 31st, your Egyptian astrological sign is Mut. The goddess Mut is tender or feline; she is most often represented as a woman with a human head or a lioness's head and symbolizes maternal values. Born under the sign of Mut, you are enigmatic, secretive and it is an integral part of you in order to maintain a certain mystery to protect you. This does not stop you from loving others and you never refuse to serve, which makes you sociable and kind. Melancholy is also one of your character traits, yet you love life and love. Honestly, injustices stir you into emotional waves, and you are receptive to the causes and social environments in which you can invest. In the job, you are perfect and conscientious and this generally ensures a good career. Written by David

Discovering the zodiac of the pharaohs!

If you were born between December 19ht and 31st, your Egyptian astrological sign is Isis. Isis personifies patience and gives the natives a great openness, humanistic impulses. If you are betrayed, you will be no less idealistic and will always have faith in human nature. Of a conciliatory temperament, you always consider the positive and you settle in a blooming vibration. You always work in a way that will please your friends and your entourage and your magical good mood accomplishes this goal with ease. Moreover, when you go away, a big void is created in your loved ones. Solidarity, as well as intimate a life united to a partner, is essential to your eyes. The human sciences, psychology, sociology, community life represent areas where you could invest without problem. Determination is also one of your qualities to lead any project fighting against pettiness and hypocrisy. Written by David

Your animal-totem: the Goose!

If you are between December 22nd and January 19th, your Native American astrological sign is Wild Goose, the tenth totem spirit of the Wheel of Life. This bird, contrary to the popular belief that classifies it as stupid, is recognized as very intelligent by ornithologists; it is his stubborn and stubborn side that has made him a bad name. But if you want to use your totem, you will need to tap into your endurance and patience qualities. You need to engage yourself personally and sustainably in projects that you are passionate about, however if you decide to fly around; you could miss out on the essentials of your life. We must savor the passing of time and measure how much humor and lightness are essential in life. Note that geese fly at high altitude and display daring. Moreover, in antiquity, they always traveled in pairs and were considered guardians of the couple. Written by David

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