
Astro Mindset

Written by Alison

You need a life coach, a wise counselor who put his finger on sometimes harmful behavior, which encourages you to show you more confident, which helps you to stay positive, which explains the different methods to evolve your plans and ambitions?

Do not search anymore ! David helps you every day to manage all facets of psychology. With him, you will learn to let go, to develop your spirituality, to take confidence in yourself and to exist fully without imposing yourself. For a balanced life, a steel workable moral and dreams, to conjure the past and open up a bright future, browse the chronicles of David!

A bit of pedagogy...

There are reflexes to adopt so that your child can begin to form an opinion for himself. First, you have to ask him questions; for example, at the end of a show, ask him if he liked it. Whatever his answer, dig deeper and ask him why, make suggestions, and see how he responds: "Did you like that character because he was like a friend? ". Then you can offer him a scoring system with smileys (smiling or grimacing) or stars or even color codes. In the course of his discoveries, avoid offering him the answers on the various topics on which he will question you, exhort him to find the answer himself by asking the questions aloud, specify however that it does not matter if he is wrong. And even if you give him the answer, you have allowed him a personal inner journey that will become a salutary intellectual reflex. Written by David

How to Hone Your Communication Skills

The ability to communicate more effectively is a valuable asset in all aspects of life. Here are some tips to enhance your ability to exchange more clearly, empathetically, and constructively.

- Avoid Personal Criticism: When expressing disagreement, focus on ideas or actions, not the person themselves.
- Stay Calm: In conflict situations, try to keep your calm. Anger or frustration can hinder productive communication.
- Be Open to Feedback: Encourage honest feedback and use it to improve.
- Adapt Your Style: Tailor your communication style to your audience. Some people prefer direct communication, while others appreciate reassurance.
- Practice Patience: Sometimes, it takes time to resolve communication issues. Be patient and persevere in your efforts to enhance mutual understanding. Written by Zagon

The sixth sense and the others

The human being has five senses for the common opinion but not for the scientists who try to agree: some record 9 and others up to 21. Meaning means mode of perception and, outside of the five known senses that interface with our material world, there are others who perceive more subtle, even impalpable things. Thermoception allows us to perceive the temperature through receptors on our skin. Nociception allows us to feel pain and protect ourselves from external attacks. Balance equilibrium is the sense of balance: its receptors are located in our inner ears. According to some researchers, the perception of time is one more sense we have but no mechanism has been found to show that we are able to perceive it. Through the prism of this research, we begin to take the measure of the still unknown riches of the human being... Written by David

The 'afformations' can change a life

In NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), we learn that it is the quality of the questions we ask that will constantly determine the quality of our lives. Noah Saint John, the author of the book "The Code of Success" explains that he prefers to override the claims that some still recommend in personal development. He explains having created "afformations" which are the combination of affirmations and interrogations, of a phenomenal power for the brain. Instead of saying to oneself or repeating to oneself "I am in good health", "I am more and more fulfilled" to convince myself of this, you will use the interrogative form: "Why am I more and more creative? Why is money coming to me more and more easily? Why do I meet more and more people? ". This method makes it possible to mobilize our fruitful resources and activate our spirit in order to create more motivated ideas and to put ourselves in a dynamic of success. Written by David

Write this summer

And if you took advantage of your summer to write the novel you've been dreaming of forever? The tranquil environment of your vacation spot, a hike, some nonchalant breaks can prove to be inspirational. George Simenon, who wrote his novels in 10 days, confided the preparatory method that allowed him to be very productive. First, for a dozen days, he did not accept visits, letters or phone calls. The day before the writing, he went on a walk to let arise memories so as to create a vacuum conducive to inspiration. Then, on a yellow envelope, he recorded the name, age, phone number, address of the main character, the name of his wife, the age of the woman, the name and age of the children as well as the state of health of each. Then he drew the plan of the house where the action would take place while questioning his hero and his destiny: "Two or three hours are enough to build the situation." Then comes the drafting: "The first chapter will be written in three hours; the next ones in two, one chapter a day. "Are you ready now to start? Written by David

To change one's life, one must first change oneself!

Do you have a dream? Publish a book? Take a trip around the world? Become independent? It's important to always set your goal and even if others find you crazy, you'll get started trying to do something that inspires you, unlike most people. The greatest craziness is to believe that by always doing the same thing, you will achieve different results, but the same causes produce the same effects. Changing one's behavior and mode of action is a crucial basis for changing one's existence. In his "Letters to Lucilius", Seneca, philosopher of ancient Rome, states a sensible thing about unhappy people. According to him, it is paradoxical for a depressed person to give up life when it is his actions that brought him to this state of affairs; it would be so much more constructive to modify the actions that led to this defeatist state. Even if this is not easy, it is necessary to take new concrete actions and experiment with new methods of approach. Written by David

A quality that can be learned: the charism

Contrary to what one might think, charisma is not necessarily innate because many people have learned, developed and worked. They have acquired confidence and have drawn from this personal strength convictions, ideas which they subsequently share without fear; they are able to say no and are well anchored in their sneakers. Once this stable side is achieved, it is necessary to adopt a relaxed posture which unfolds your ease like a second skin; the gestures must be loose and slow and the gaze plunges into the eyes of his interlocutor. Another quality of charisma: public speaking; it's an undeniable quality that can also be learned, as Carnegie Hall did. Play intonations of your voice as well as your nonverbal attitude to support what you say. Oral communication must captivate an audience even if you recite the directory. All these qualities were learned by great speakers who were devoid of resources, originally... Written by David

Laughter is free

Laughter is the best medicine in the world and it's free. Why? Because by laughing we change our vibration and discard any treacherous thought that would make us say "When I'm happy I'll laugh," which leads us to postpone very often the deadline to engage in a session of laughter sound. The thing is easier than it seems, just mobilize his will to get out of the world said serious, the very one who hammered us "You must be like this, you must please others, and especially do not ever be again a child. 60% of medical consultations are motivated by pain. But laughter is a powerful painkiller because it has the effect of partially anesthetizing the pain and reduce our perception of it. It stimulates the brain production of catecholamines (awakening hormone) which produces endorphins (the happiness hormone). So, it's more than time to laugh! Written by David

The keys to self-confidence

How to acquire faith in oneself? Three essential rules to integrate well to personify trust. First, be anchored in the present moment, be here and now. Whenever we focus on the future, we provoke an anxiety-provoking state. And since we have no hold on this future, it is good to see that the only moment that matters to everyone is now. If 99% of our lives are going well, why focus on the 1% that is wrong? Second, list our qualities and personal wealth. It can go to the way of cooking in the way of helping others, whatever, note it and count one point for each of your qualities. Last, we fear what we do not know. The more we seek information on a project or something that scares us, the more we will shed light on the unknown because the unknown is a source of anxiety and apprehension. To enlighten a shadowy area is to gain confidence and begin to surpass ourselves. Written by David

Activate your motivation!

Do you have projects that are important to you and that you have not started yet? Or, you promise to implement them but from next month? Or have you started your project but without completing it, giving up for lack of energy? The thing to do to eliminate this procrastination is to put yourself in a productive state and it is quite possible. Our brain works like a machine that responds to our requests; if you ask yourself, why am I not doing it? Your brain will glean information from the biochemical resources of your disabilities. In no time, you feel the demotivation and discouragement win you. But if you ask yourself, "Why am I able to do it? Your mind will go to the data side for resources that can succeed. Suddenly, you have all the good ideas that put you on the road to success, you mobilize your potential for success. Your brain never judges you but provides you with the resources you ask for. You choose! Written by David

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3. Astro Mindset : adopt a healthy behavior
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