Geomancy means, in precise terms, "earth divination". Geomancy is the oldest divinatory art in the world. Ancient artifacts, dating from around 5000 years ago, have been found showing that geomancy was practiced in Egypt. It was the desert nomads who made use of this practice. Paper didn't yet exist, and papyrus was used only for important documents, so the nomads used a stick, or a finger, to draw their prophecies in the sand, which is where the term geomancy came from, "earth divination", because they were drawn in the earth. Geomancy is a sort of earth astrology, putting the user in touch with the earth ("Gaia"). It is a divinatory science that puts us into direct contact with Nature.

Whoever is asking the question must draw several dots in the earth or on a sheet of paper. Sixteen lines must be drawn from these points. Or, on the other hand, you can draw as many dots as you'd like along one line. Once you have your 16 lines, count the number of points on each line. This number will be either even or odd. If it is an even number, draw two stars. If, however, it is an odd number, draw a single star.
Once the counting is finished, divide the 16 lines in fours, giving four groups of four lines. The stars will form distinct shapes called "matres" or Mothers. This divinatory method is reminiscent of a computer program, in that it is calculated base on a binary system. Each line has one or two stars. Only two states are possible, then. The 16 lines produce four "mother" figures, themselves made of up four parts, named the head, neck, body, and feet.
The four heads form the first "filiae" or daughter, the neck the second daughter, the body the third daughter, and the feet the fourth daughter.
The Mothers and Daughters are absolutely necessary for filling out the geomantic chart, or "shield" chart. The Daughters give birth to the next four lines, the "nepotes" or Nieces, who themselves then form two Witnesses, who then give birth to the Judge. Every figure is necessary for drawing up a coherent geomantic chart. To obtain the Niece figures, all you need to do is add up pairs Mothers and Daughters anc continue on in this way... Each figure represents the sum of those before.
The judge is the one who interprets the question and clears up the answers. Thanks to this tried and true technique, the geomancer can know if a question will have a positive or negative response. By interpreting these different figures, you will easily find an answer to your question. The judge absolutely must be represented by an even number of stars. If not, you will have to start the chart over from scratch. This means that the querant is not focused enough on their question.