Introduction: Sometimes you feel bad about yourself!
Pisces ascendant Gemini: This mixture is neither easy to live nor obvious to share. Your emotions and your imagination are subjected to the filter of reason and self-criticism. You are a good listener, you combine intuition and practicality, but you come across as superficial when you are terribly sentimental. A commercial, artisanal or artistic gift is frequent in your case. Your ascendant organizes the confusion of your sign and structures your actions.
Strengths of the for Pisces ascendant Gemini: Fun and intuitive
Weaknesses of the for Pisces ascendant Gemini: Critical and dispersed
Personality: Too nervous!
Your popularity rating can reach new heights, which will always have a direct link to your professional progress. You have no trouble gathering a lot of knowledge, provided you make a conscious effort to focus your concentration. But this can lead you to overwork, cogitation, agitation, which puts your nervous balance out of balance. It is necessary for you to learn to let go regularly.
Vitality / Temperament: You can't stand still!
Nervous and curious, you are attracted by everything out of the ordinary, you flee boredom by all means. Scattered, inconstant, carefree, capricious, you are unpredictable and confusing for your entourage. Indecisive, you have a lot of difficulties to know what you want, you often change your mind. You lack self-confidence, you give too much credit to others and you often find yourself in confusion. But you are whimsical, funny, generous, sensitive and you are loved.
Love and emotional relationships: Papillonnage !
In love, you are afraid of boredom and you run away from responsibilities, you have a lot of difficulties to commit yourself. But, charming and very seductive, you are never alone. You never let yourself be caught up in a narrow conformism, but you tend to let yourself be blinded by illusion, to flutter around more than is reasonable and to disperse yourself without ever building anything. At the beginning, you have no trouble making friends and using your charm to make your prey succumb, but you often remain superficial.
In the family: Life at home!
You provoke without realizing it and this sometimes puts you in delicate situations with your family, but most of the time, your loved ones enjoy it. You are often feverish, that allows you to be always alert, that makes you very effective in your profession, but that tires you and that exhausts your family. You need to be on the same wavelength as your loved ones, you need order and clarity in your home, you seek to control everything in order to feel secure.
Relationship with money / material goods: Elusive, but effective!
Professionally, distracted and disorganized, you need to work within a structured framework or within a motivated team. Independent and refusing constraints, you have a lot of trouble following rules. But you are adaptable, you navigate with ease in different social spheres. You know how to take advantage of opportunities with skill and discretion, but you do not hesitate to share your successes with those who are in difficulty. Your generosity is much appreciated, as long as you don't feel that you are being taken advantage of. The arts and humanitarian projects are a good fit for you.
Socio-professional life: Artistic investments!
You have an innate sense of aesthetics and a strong taste for beautiful things, artistic works. But this thirst for beauty can lead you to make expensive purchases that you are likely to regret later on. You are very ambitious, there is nothing more important than your security and, if you enjoy your work, you can excel in the professional world.
Sphere of friendship: A flock of friends from all walks of life!
Open-minded, communicative and full of humor, you are very sociable, you are there for others, to listen to them, to advise them. You are endowed with a temperament sensitive to external circumstances, your intelligence adapts to the most subtle fluctuations. Your need to belong makes you flexible, which facilitates your relational life. There is a great idealism in you that you tend to project onto others. You have no difficulty in establishing multiple relationships, making your way in all environments.
You have a water sign and your ascendant is in an air sign
You need the people around you to feel safe. You need to use communication as a tool to achieve your goals.
Your sun and ascendant are in square
You are curious and in need of relationships, but you are changeable and impressionable. Weakened by your duality between the past and the future, you have difficulty living in the present.