Born on 28 March 1986 in Yonkers (USA) at 10.55 pm. It is easier to understand the ins and outs of Lady Gaga's personality when you see her astrological chart. In fact, the alliance of two Fire signs (her Sun sign Aries and ascendant Sagittarius) is a powerful indicator of a large ego. This is in no way a criticism, but it tells us that our star was definitely not born to stay in the shadows! In addition, there is a conjunction between her natal Moon and Pluto in Scorpio in the Eleventh House, which places emphasis on the fact that Lady Gaga has an innate instinct for provocation, a natural taste for the avant-garde and above all, a real talent for touching people's shadowy side, which fascinates her fans unreservedly.

Her natural powers of attraction are enough to entice men ready to fall under her spell. She gives off an air of eroticism and mystery, appealing to each person's shadowy side, which she senses and mirrors better than anyone. Her designs are mysterious, but her enigmatic temperament is very perspicacious when it comes to seeing through the intentions of another person, male or female, and working out the real motivation behind their interest, conscious or subconscious.
Conquests turn into a war of the sexes where the pain will be exquisite and the delights sometimes painful. She is like the fascinating stranger encountered the night before, mysterious, irresistible and disturbing. She has the sultry look and provocative movements of a black widow spider. With her you soon get down to the essentials and think you know where things are heading. But if by chance her charm isn't working, she will pull back to put together a carefully structured plan and quietly weave a web for her prey to become entangled.
You either love or you hate Lady Gaga, but everyone will agree on the fact that she will leave her mark on her generation. Jupiter in Pisces conjunct Mercury, with a trine aspect to her Moon and Pluto in the extremely charismatic and sultry sector of Scorpio doesn't allow her to create and interpret songs by half measures. She "has to" stand out from the rest and give her entire being in doing so. She will evolve in her artistic career to produce music full of emotion and of powerful impact.
Her words will essentially be pervaded by a wind of rebellion, especially at the beginning of 2013, a period when Saturn will transit her natal Pluto and give rise to a wave of creativity which will send her to the top of the charts.
The presence of Saturn in the sign of her Ascendant will temper her ardour in the form of powerful reasoning, that will considerably help her to avoid becoming delusional due to celebrity or adulation from her fans. She has the ability to put her fame to good use, willingly turning towards humanitarian values, and she will clearly achieve this from 2016 onwards.