Introduction: Dynamic and sociable!
Capricorn ascendant Sagittarius: You are divided between a rather classical conformism and impulses of autonomy, independence or freedom that are difficult to reconcile with certain domains, such as love... You are loyal and fair while maintaining high ambitions that you pursue with enthusiasm, but good sense. Sometimes you feel frustrated by the demands, constraints and responsibilities of adult life, but you know how to remain stoic.
Strengths of the for Capricorn ascendant Sagittarius: Warm and humanistic
Weaknesses of the for Capricorn ascendant Sagittarius: Casual and impulsive
Personality: Fiery personality!
Your friendly and warm nature attracts sympathy, but you also need moments of solitude, of silence to recharge your batteries. You are a dignified person, you do not skimp on the efforts of growth, of expansion. You have a great dynamism, it is your facility to fight and your sense of fraternity which gives you charisma. You are the ideal spokesperson to gather, to federate around collective projects.
Vitality / Temperament: Humanist!
Going it alone does not motivate you, although you are able to be independent. Your life will be deeply marked by your relationships, which will make you evolve in terms of philosophy. You are led to evolve it to free yourself from materialistic passions. Your life experience will push you to develop your humanism and your understanding to evolve towards a vast philosophy and much humanism.
Love and emotional relationships: Reliable, but independent!
In love, you are torn between the desire to build a home and the desire to preserve your freedom, between the impulses of your heart and your reason. You have a tendency to multiply your conquests before stabilizing yourself probably late in life. Once in couple, you are faithful and very attentive to your family. Sometimes you are impulsive in your sentimental life and this leads you to mistakes that will allow you to know what you need.
In the family: Good atmosphere at home!
Your initiatives often go in the direction of greater comfort, but you always keep a sense of moderation and your tastes are ultimately simple. Your relations with your family are marked by good humor and good feelings. However, you sometimes have a very carefree behavior which could lead you to take risks, even to be imprudent.
Relationship with money / material goods: High ambitions!
Ambitious, you seek results more important than social recognition. Hard-working and willing, conscientious and responsible, you get noticed for your initiative and decisions. If you work in a team, you can become the driving force. You are serious in your professional life, but frustrated when results do not reach the heights you have aimed for.
Socio-professional life: Fearsome businessmen!
You are very persevering when it comes to defending your interests or those of your loved ones, you have a sense of justice and responsibility. This allows you to make reasonable investments and you prefer real estate opportunities to risky speculations. On the budget management side, you are regularly a victim of your impulsiveness and you can then at times overspend, but you quickly get back in control.
Sphere of friendship: A very humanist friend!
Friendship is very important to you, you like to surround yourself with people of all ages and backgrounds. With your sense of order, duty and justice and your attachment to moral values, you are made to put yourself at the service of a cause to defend. You are therefore particularly at ease in groups that work, even protest, with the aim of installing a better, more just world.
You have an Earth sign and your ascendant is in a Fire sign
Although you have little patience for routine, monotonous and boring, you are disciplined and seek to do your daily work with a very military precision. You want to be useful and energetically help others.
Your sun and ascendant are in semi-sextile
You like to enjoy the good things in life and you love to travel. In love, you cultivate happiness and give it the best of yourself. On the fitness side, you are disciplined and enthusiastic about all outdoor activities.