Susan discovered the fascinating world of Astrology at the age of 11 at her father's sides. He himself was an astrologer! For 15 years, she was to learn everything from him: esoteric sciences, graphology, philosophy, theology, spirituality and history! In her memories, she can perfectly recall drawing up astral charts by hand, without a computer! While she scanned the heavens, she pursued her studies at the same time and threw herself into a veritable quest for knowledge, always seeking to widen this knowledge and find out more about astrophysics and even history!

She officially launched herself as an astrologer in April 2001. She specialises particularly in the holistic, Karmic, transpersonal, Kabbalistic, Tibetan, Aztec, Chinese forms of astrology and R.E.T. principles… As a professional, she has an innate conviction that she should help those who want to be free, move forward in life as far as possible, anticipate obstacles and take their destiny into their own hands. Becoming an astrologer is about looking into phenomena which still hold mysteries and helping everyone to get the most out of being able to anticipate and understand how life works! Her favourite quote is: It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness (Tibetan proverb)!
This very ancient science uses the position of the stars in our solar system and our date and place of birth, enabling us to discover our potential, temperament, psyche and destiny today. Susan is convinced that astrology gives us the essential keys for getting to know ourselves, so that we can live in total harmony with the outside world, with a certain inner wisdom that allows us to give a deeper meaning to everything that happens and all that we are fundamentally!
For Susan, turning to astrology on a daily basis is almost a reflex. The essential thing is that it should always work for the Good, be a way of helping others, an indispensable form of personal ethics. For Susan, an astrologer can change the destiny of those who consult her by pointing out what they should do and what some of those around them will do in the future. Every action has a series of consequences and the astrologer certainly influences the road you will take, sometimes modifying certain things that were due to happen! Through her advice and in line with her intuition, you will be able to avoid impasses, suffering and sometimes pointless expectations. The art of astrology lies in seeing but also in advising to the best of your ability, according to your own perception of life. This is the reason horoscopes need to be drawn up by serious and experienced astrologers!
We asked Susan to tell us an astrological anecdote that made an impression on her. She gave us this one about a person who consulted her: a man who managed to win a record amount on the national lottery, on the date she had predicted through her astrological analyses! This came after 17 years' work, both for this man, who himself used astrology to work out which would be the winning numbers, and for Susan to analyse the periods that would coincide with his own lucky potential. On 16 January 1985, this man had a record win on the lottery.