Do you know how you function in love? What type of relationship do you belong to? Know that your number in numerology can enlighten you as to your love tendencies. The sentimental vibration number 1, very energetic, is not at all in line with the number 4, which put his duet on a form of reassuring safety. Also we supply some traits so you will see more clearly! A word of caution... Now let's look at each number so that you have a little more perspective on your own sentimental tendencies: Check out our free App. if you do not know your personal number : Your Life path.

Number 1 in Love :
your autonomous personality tends to decide rules within your own duo. You expect from your partner that she is of unparalleled reliability and shows docility. The numbers 1 are passionate in love, as well as a beautiful generosity but you also want to maintain a form of independence and space. Note that when you love your half, you like it 200%.
Your advice: Wear red, it will increase your charisma!
Number 2 in Love :
Your romantic nature makes you love a reliable and harmonious half. You make a very good partner because of your tender and idealistic characteristics. Sensitive and passionate, you immediately know what the other person needs. Happiness and love are the two poles of your balance.
Your advice: Do not feel guilty when you want to have moments of solitude.
Number 3 in Love :
You can take a long time to decide to engage in a stable and solid love duet. Your flighty and seductive side takes you to adventure that suits you. You will find the ideal partner when it will nurture your creativity, have a great sense of humor and respect your artistic soul.
Your advice: Show your capacity to deeply love the chosen one of your heart (because you are able to) to constitute your dream duo.
Number 4 in Love :
You take love very seriously and that is why you do not engage lightly or on a whim. You rely on principles of loyalty and show great fidelity in your love duet. Your emotions are not visible; nevertheless, you build your relationship on an always harmonious basis.
Your advice: Make sure that your search for stability does not become too sclerotic to spice up your duet!
Number 5 in Love :
Your charm operates powerfully around you and you do not fail to form romantic relationships that fit well with your taste for change. Indeed, durable bonds can make you feel cramped and even more so if your partner is possessive. Your great charm asset: you know how to express your feelings like no other.
Your advice: Be attentive to your meetings because the ideal partner with whom you will stay for good may come into your life!
Number 6 in Love :
Nothing makes you happier than living a balanced and united family life. You are naturally devoted to your partner and you expect as much from him: if you give your heart the reciprocal must also be rendered. Love is your pillar and beware of your half if it betrays you.
Your advice: Never sacrifice your environment of peace and harmony to keep your precious balance.
Number 7 in Love :
You are not very demonstrative in fact of feelings in love. Besides, you feel more at ease in the friendly relations than in those who are sentimental and passionate. You are emotional but withdrawn; but if you love someone you will prefer to demonstrate it in a certain way rather than confess to it because certain acts are sometimes much more eloquent. One of your qualities is generosity and fidelity.
Your advice: Know how to live your love duet in a quiet and comfortable setting to feel better.
Number 8 in Love :
You love with passion, even with a certain ascendancy, and whoever responds to your feelings will be loved intensely by your powerful voltage. At the same time, you do not leave an alternative to your partner. The love duo as such is for you an important base to express who you are.
Your advice: Do not hesitate to play the head of the family because you have the energy and the authority.
Number 9 in Love :
You are a sentimental in love and need a partner with an open and flexible vision of life. Usually you have a number of adventures before settling down permanently with your ideal half. You are tender, generous and understanding and whoever falls on you will have to respect your peaceful vibrations.
Your advice: Make sure that your hypersensitivity does not overflow and you will show an obvious balance.
Number 11 in Love :
Marriage does not frighten you because once you have won over the chosen one of your heart; you decide to invest yourself in the long term with him. You like spiritual partners, bright and accomplices; besides, you perceive as if by magic their desires which you seek to fill with finesse. br>
Your advice: Be attentive to your mood sometimes variable and nervous in order to maintain the harmony within your duet.
Number 22 in Love :
You generally give more time to your professional life than to your love life. You are a hyperactive who focuses on his projects and fearing that a lasting relationship will disturb them, so you avoid lasting love, then chaining adventures without a future.
Your advice: To find true love, look for the partner who will have the same professional affinities as you and that will match!
Number 33 in Love :
You are a pure and compassionate person, that is, you love in the highest degree. Nevertheless, your thirst for the absolute can destabilize a more down-to-earth partner. You are full of empathy for your partner and your loving, caring and sensitive qualities make you an ideal person to form a successful duo.
Your advice: Master your sensitivity so you do not lose your footing and choose a partner who looks like you spiritually to be in perfect agreement with your love duo.
With numerology, you can gain efficiency and serenity in the sentimental field and find the answers to the questions you ask yourself. Feel free to dig the subject to take in hand your emotional destiny, and know that numerology can be a valuable ally in this area!