
Leo's horoscope for September 2024

Written by Daisy

Leo: Astral Climate for September 2024

Some leverage their strategy to progress, calmly preparing for the future while others struggle to evolve in the face of financial obstacles that resist. Some must moderate their fervor if they wish to see their situation evolve without offending anyone.

Leo: Mood for September 2024

Harmony seems to reign within a circle open to dialogue, but you encounter resistances that depress you a little on the material plane. Hold on tight.

Leo: Love for September 2024

Venus fosters harmonious exchanges between you and your loved ones, but you are absorbed by financial matters to resolve. You don't have much time to spare for your loved ones.

In a relationship: while you debate to promote your values and defend your interests, you lack availability to devote to your loved ones.

Single: you have a lot to do to address certain pending material issues. You don't have time to test your seductive power on those you like.

Leo: Money for September 2024

Saturn currently blocks any attempt to broaden your horizons. Wait until the end of the month to activate levers that work and open up perspectives.

Leo: Work for September 2024

Saturn slows down your progress, reduces your means, or freezes your finances. You encounter insurmountable obstacles. Wait until the end of the month to take actions that could unlock the situation.

Leo: Leisure for September 2024

Avoid withdrawing into yourself when you realize your powerlessness to change things on the material plane. While waiting for better days, gather around you loved ones and friends who cheer you up.

Leo: Key dates for September 2024

The 3rd: before committing to a project, make sure you have the means, secure your back to avoid misjudgments.

The 12th: it is by negotiating in the shadows, by acting discreetly that you will succeed in positioning yourself fairly and proportionately. The time is right to test your strategic talents.

The 15th: you communicate with enthusiasm about a project that opens up perspectives. Your contagious enthusiasm allows you to win the support of your loved ones.

The 18th: the full moon invites you to transform what needs to be done to move forward. Some must avoid asking for too much, risking hitting a wall.

The 30th: it is by using your energy, quietly advancing your pieces. Rely on your eloquence to convince and seduce.

Leo: Advice for September 2024

It's a stressful month, but don't give in to discouragement. If nothing moves, if you feel stuck, from the 22nd, the tide turns.

Horoscope for September 2024 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope October 2024

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