
Sagittarius's horoscope for June 2025

Written by Daisy

It's a very relational month ahead. The energies in Gemini, the Sun until the 21st, Mercury and Jupiter until the 8th are occupying your sector related to the other, intimate partner, or associate. You will have to act considering others. Mars in a good aspect to your sign until the 17th facilitates your dynamism and decision-making, you will have a lot of energy! Pluto supports your morale throughout the month, meetings could favor alliances for the future. After the 21st, a time of introspection is suggested, while Mars in Virgo from the 17th might challenge you at work, don't rush things! The romantic sphere could change many things as Venus moves into Taurus on the 6th and brings a lot of sweetness into your daily life.

Sagittarius: Love in General

Undoubtedly, it is your intimate relationship life that will occupy your thoughts and actions. Therefore, focus on your communication, especially between the 9th and the 26th, adjust your energy after the 17th, and be willing to show your truly communicative affection from the 6th. For the first decan, you may commit to a beloved partner.

Sagittarius: In a relationship

You will pay a lot of attention to your partner, and you may discuss important things for your future together. Your partner may have a decision to make, so for the entire first week, they will need your support and opinion.


Saturn and Neptune in Aries herald a very serious and stable evolution in your love life. Mercury helps you to connect, to have promising encounters throughout the month, while Pluto could lead you to meet your soulmate.

Sagittarius: Career / Finance

Between Venus from the 6th and Mars from the 17th, you will have enough diplomacy to work with serenity but also fussy manners that could lead to sterile disagreements with your colleagues. Stay flexible, your professional environment will improve. Unexpected money coming in after the 9th?

Sagittarius: Advice from FREE Horoscope

Engage in dialogue, exchange without fear of offending if you are polite, this month invites you to stay connected with others as much as possible. If you encounter resistance, let it be.

Horoscope for June 2025 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

2025 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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