The Black Moon, also called the Lilith Moon, is an invisible point in space; it is the clear focus of the lunar orbit. The Black Moon embodies femininity, power, and creativity. It acts on our emotions by exerting the energy of attraction. It plays the role of influencer. Lilith is representative of wounds, shortages, and unacknowledged and inaccessible desires. The Moon becomes black between the twelfth and fourteenth days of the descending cycle. For the collective consciousness, the color black symbolizes darkness and the invisible, yet its effects are not totally negative, they allow the energies to renew themselves in a positive way. Most often, aspects of the Black Moon are beneficial.

Under the influence of the Black Moon, intuitions and perceptions are multiplied, unlike the lunar sign that only gives indications of sensitivity and emotionality.
From an astrological point of view, the Black Moon refers to the emotions of the past. Attention is then fixed on disturbing events buried in the deepest parts of each of us. At this point in our personal evolution, blockages or old wounds are created.
When it enters the twelve signs of the zodiac, the Black Moon acts differently according to each individual. The actions of the Black Moon are manifested in several ways (irritability, mood changes, anger ...). An example of this is the activity of the Black Moon in the sign of Aries: on a general level the subject risks feeling a sensation of emptiness, one notices a lack of maturity and assurance and difficulties existing. We become aware that we are flirting with destabilizing emotional situations, with the added bonus of being hypersensitive. In this particular case, it becomes essential to confront our fears by going beyond our own limits and then aiming for self-transcendence to find our own answers. This is an excellent opportunity to erase the old demons and free ourselves from fears.
The development of our intuitive system contributes to and facilitates the removal of a problematic and badly experienced situation by pointing to a specific fact. From the moral point of view, essential changes are to be hoped for. We must purge and clean our feelings, and make a clean sweep of our emotions.
Positive impacts of the Black Moon: The consequences of the Black Moon has a beneficial effect on seemingly impossible events. As they say, when there's a will, there's a way. The Black Moon produces a positive impact on our circle of relationships (friendly, romantic, or professional). The Black Moon has a considerable influence on letting go.
Negative Impacts of the Black Moon: One can imagine the Black Moon beating down on our moods, causing unpredictable and unwanted situations. Fortunately, its effects are not so devastating as that, during the period of the Black Moon, no single adverse event must interfere, emotionally it must be blocked because the Black Moon confronts us with the harsh reality of things, it is a way of becoming aware of the difficulties of life. Not to accept its weaknesses, but on the contrary, to reveal its determination and strength, regardless of the situation, it is a binding but necessary exercise in the Moon's cycle. The actions of the Moon help us become more lucid and less fragile in our feelings (lovers, emotional). It is strongly recommended that we avoid toxic and malicious people.
Thanks to time, everyone gains their own maturity. Over time the difficulties hindering everyone's way become real stepping stones. This precious help allows us to overcome the most challenging obstacles.