The moon in Virgo organizes the confusion of the the sun in Pisces. This full moon is, in general, a sign of sorting, tidying up, accounting. It encourages us to maintain our health. This is a good day to make resolutions about your lifestyle and stick to them. Yet, for some, nervous tension will be high if they try to control everything...

This full moon strengthens your practical skills, helps you to channel your energy, and boosts your reaction time, which will enable you to outstrip everyone else. Today is a good day to show what you're capable of and to make strides forward at work. When it comes to your emotional life, you will have all you need to surprise your partner.
This ambiance suits you perfectly. At work, you will give your all. You'll finish your tasks with a sense of perfectionism and tenacity, earning you high praise. You will move forward in step and without blunders. In your love-life, you are ready to smooth out the rough patches and to move your relationship in the desired direction. How positive!
This full moon will shake up your emotional life and make you terribly nervous. Your relationships with others will make life difficult for you. You're not ready or willing to take time to listen to others or to express yourself. You could very well end up saying hurtful things and causing a fight. If you act this way, you'll only make it harder for yourself to get things done.
This full moon will hone your imagination, your sense of practicality, and strengthen your willpower so that you can get your ideas out there and make wise decisions to improve life at home. This is a great day for planning something new, for looking at the big picture, getting your affairs in order, and being more efficient.
The mood looks to be a good one for showcasing your skills, maintaining pleasant relations with others, sharing your ideas, and suggesting new goals. Given the seriousness with which you work, your partners can only trust you. Today, then, is the ideal day for taking the plunge in total confidence. Your partner won't be left out either, though - you'll satisfy them with ever more attention.
Your doubts, your nervousness will fly away, giving way to a wise and insightful attitude. Your intuition will help you get through any situation and to build pure, innocent relationships. As for matters of the heart, you will be happy and your couple will be joyous. Today is a great day for bringing up what topics need to be and for making plans for the future.
Your wise intuition and extreme kindness will get you what you want in all areas of life. This is an excellent atmosphere for putting forth your ideas, showing that you know what you want, meeting new people, and making wise decisions. Today was made to move onto concrete, real things. So enjoy it!
This full moon will push you to make better decisions, to focus your energy into reaching concrete goals, to concentrate on those painstaking little jobs that need to be done, and to perform wonderfully. With all this on the schedule, you'll get that smile back on your face and feel all frustration and nervousness melt away. So, don't let this chance to get good results pass you by.
This atmosphere is marked by nervousness. You are under pressure and now is not the time for anyone to mess with you. This isn't the ideal day, either, to start a debate or make any sort of decision. Your lively reactions and critical mind are likely to make a few waves. There's a storm brewing that will affect every part of your life, but no need to fear - it won't last!
This ambiance will be very rewarding for you, allowing you to show off your love for a job well done and your perseverance, as well as expand your approach. Today will enable you to take action, take on responsibilities, and express yourself in total confidence. If some people around you are a little too lax for your taste, it'll be up to you to teach them discipline and technique!
Under this full moon, it's best not to get carried away. In fact, it would be wise in any given area of your life to take your time, to think things through, and act in moderation. Technique, discipline, and perseverance will pay off in the end. Don't forget about emotion, however, and be there more for people.
This full moon will turn your world upside down. You are upset, in a bad mood, and extremely sensitive. You're asking yourself a whole array of existential questions and seek to find comfort. You have trouble concentrating and getting your various tasks done. In short, nothing's going as you'd like, and you feel like you're losing control. Don't panic - it's only temporary!