The sun in Libra, in opposition to the moon Aries, represents the confrontation between oneself and others, between personal interests and the common good. This climate is good for collaborating, but today will be about rebellion and ego...

Do you need action? Desire stronger bonds, more thrilling relationships with others, and newness? Now is the ideal moment to forge ahead, love, open yourself up, and seize the opportunities around you. Watch out, however, for mood swings and your stubbornness, which can push you to behave unusually and to stir up animosity.
This full moon will make you extremely sociable, optimistic, and sure of yourself. You negotiating skills will be pushed to the fore, and your tenacity will pay off in the end. Any sort of financial transaction is highly likely to be received favorably. You will attain enough money to get by. In love as in friendship, you are sure to be a natural, effortless charmer and to create new contacts with others.
You are motivated by your urge to get ahead, your desire to do something new, to be everywhere at once. You feel the desire more than ever to move, communicate, meet new people. Your open-mindedness and intellectual vivacity should make for pleasant interactions with others. Beware of your nervousness and indecision, however. They can cause you to miss out on opportunity.
Under this full moon, you need emotional security more than movement. Your desire to love, to feel protected will be heightened. You will pamper your partner more than ever and expect them to do the same for you. Family is your first priority. Be careful, though, not to be too possessive or smothering.
This full moon will give you incredible energy and put you in the partying mood. You will have numerous occasions to put your organizational skills to good use, bring your family together for a good time. You give the best of yourself generously and affectionately. You add a little color to your own daily life and to others' as well. Remember not to be too stern, though!
Expect worry and lack of self-confidence. Whether in your private or professional life, nothing seems to meeting your expectations, which is getting on your nerves. Your finicky side is preventing you from moving ahead, and you are much too anxious to interact harmoniously with others. It feels like everything is slipping out of your control.
This full moon will make you more vulnerable and moody than usual. Your relations with others lack stability, whether in love or even just with friends and others in general. You have trouble expressing your feelings, figuring things out on your own, finding the right solution to your problems, and being independent. In short, you lack any sort of autonomy and are totally detached from what's going on around you.
You are torn between two opposing influences, which will cause you to be particularly sensitive to gossip and what other people say, or to react excessively and emotionally. Or, you will withdraw into yourself. In any case, be careful not to go to excess of any sort and try to keep yourself balanced!
You are overflowing with energy and enthusiasm and feel the burning need to get your ideas out there. Thanks to your somewhat wild attitude and ability to adapt, your exchanges and interactions with others will be nice and cheery. Today is a good day to knock on a few doors, start up a new project, or give yourself a new challenge. Whether in your private life or at work, discussion will be fruitful and results positive.
A lot of tension and anger hangs in the air. You prefer to stay in the background where you can dip into your inner energy and try to regain your equilibrium and put a smile back on your face. There's no point in anyone talking to you. You're withdrawing into yourself to the point of asking firmly and coldly for people to leave you alone. Interaction isn't welcome, and any little problem will be blown out of proportion.
This full moon encourages audacity and awakens your defiant nature. You fully intend on outdoing yourself, giving your all in anything you do, and seizing any and all opportunities that arise. It's for the best - your original thinking and initiative-taking have a good chance of being appreciated.
Under this full moon, expect dissatisfaction, a lack of adaptability, and to experience a disconnect between your desires and how to actually make them a reality. Your emotions are in overdrive. You have the distinct impression that circumstances are holding you back. Whether in love or at work, you will have trouble feeling joy and any sort of drive.