Focus on your personality shining brightly this summer month! Indeed, until the 23rd, the sun is in your zodiac sign along with Jupiter all month, giving your charisma its moment to shine while also bringing luck and opportunities of all kinds your way. Keep your spirits high! Mars and Uranus team up from the 1st to the 10th to facilitate a creative project or a unique friendship, then your energy settles down as it retreats from the world's view. Mercury travels through three signs and settles in your sign from the 10th to the 24th: take advantage of this time to address sensitive topics and communicate with ease. Pluto opposing you creates either a passionate love atmosphere or a contractual climate that is anything but lukewarm: stay receptive. After the 24th, the Virgo energies support your material possessions.
Leo: Love in General
Passionate and dynamic, your emotional behavior should allow you to express your royal, generous, and expressive nature. Communication might be a bit complicated before the 10th, so be tactful. After the 6th, Venus enhances your emotional life; you embody elegance and respect for others.
Leo: In a relationship
Starting from the 6th, your feelings will be joyful and intimate, but your sensuality may lead you to be a bit withdrawn from the 11th onwards: your partner might be taken aback by this. Communicate clearly and lovingly between the 10th and the 24th.
SingleYour optimism and charisma will be at their best and will ensure you many opportunities to meet people, which could actually happen in a secretive manner or during an outing after the 6th. You are aspiring for a significant encounter, and it could come to pass. (1st decan)
Leo: Career / Finance
Financial changes as early as the 24th could be game-changers, especially as Pluto in your contractual sector begins a radical phase of contract modification. A salary increase is possible, so stay open to others' proposals, but don't trust blindly. Jupiter is protecting your back at home!
Leo: Advice from FREE Horoscope
Overall, there are no threats looming on the horizon for this summer month, which is a bit your own. Set up some rest breaks thanks to Mars asleep from the 11th, and you will be in great shape.
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