
Check your horoscope for April 2021

Written by Daisy

A planetary cluster in Aries, Sun, Mercury and Venus, announces for this spring month an energetic and enterprising climate! Until the 20th, it will be opportune for the children of the zodiac to embark on a project or a conquest, the sky accompanies you! Let's add Mars in Gemini who up until the 23rd boosts ideas and exchanges, further promoting creative or associative startups. Jupiter and Saturn, still in Aquarius, make the atmosphere evolutionary and constructive especially for the signs of air or fire for the second and last decan. Under such energies, the future is considered with others and the union creates the force! From the 20th, another atmosphere sets in, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus in Taurus infuse calm and pondering, sweetness and time to live but also surprise and luck! Here, we can harvest what has been planted at the beginning of the month. During the last week, pamper your home or your family!

Horoscope for April 2021 for all zodiac signs:

September 2024 Horoscope

2021 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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