The nights lengthen and the cold sets in, plunging nature into darkness. The moon takes on greater importance, illuminating more than the sun for extended hours, radiating a glow that carries powerful energy within it. This Cold Full Moon offers an ideal opportunity to step back, reflect on life, and take stock.

This time of introspection allows for rediscovery and regeneration, harnessing the lunar clarity that guides this profound process. It is also a favorable period for the transmission from one generation to another, with the lunar energy creating a particularly benevolent atmosphere, especially towards children.
The rituals associated with this Full Moon focus on health, hope, and renewal. By engaging in these rituals, one can aspire to regenerative energies, nurturing the spirit of hope and paving the way for positive renewal in various aspects of life.
5 positive aspects
Inner illumination: The intense lunar glow offers inner illumination, conducive to mental clarity and better self-understanding.
Beneficial introspection time: The Full Moon provides valuable introspection time, fostering positive reflection on life and paving the way for constructive adjustments.
Nourishing lunar energy: The powerful energy of the moon acts as a nourishing source, providing a sense of well-being and regeneration.
Generational transmission: The favorable period for transmission to other generations highlights a special connection between individuals, fostering the exchange of experiences and wisdom.
Healing and hope rituals: Healing and hope rituals offer a concrete opportunity to work on physical and emotional health, while cultivating a positive outlook towards the future.
5 negative aspects
Emotional darkness: The long hours of night and the dominance of lunar glow can accentuate dark emotional feelings, creating a period of vulnerability.
Inner confrontation: The time of introspection can bring to light aspects of oneself that are difficult to confront, generating negative emotions.
Intensity of lunar energy: Although beneficial, the intense lunar energy can also cause hypersensitivity, leading to exaggerated reactions.
Pressure for transmission: The pressure related to generational transmission can create tensions, especially if family relationships are complex or generational differences are present.
Challenges in healing rituals: Healing rituals can sometimes evoke difficult emotions to address, leading to moments of tension before the expected relief.
It is important to note that these positive aspects are often associated with cultural symbols and values. Each person can interpret the Cold Full Moon personally according to their beliefs and spirituality.
Our advice
Cultivate kindness towards yourself: During this period of introspection and rituals, explore your emotions with compassion and understanding, without judgment. The Full Moon offers a unique opportunity for healing and renewal, and kindness towards yourself creates a conducive space for personal growth.