Introduction: Too sensitive!
Scorpio ascendant Pisces: Your well-being depends mainly on the relationships that you establish or not with your loved ones. You are emotionally fragile, you tend to live in your protective universe, while observing the world with distrust, concern and a lot of intuition... Your discretion hides an immense pride, quickly crumpled, which does not facilitate your exchanges. Learn to put things into perspective and to trust. To life, to others and especially, to yourself!
Strengths of the for Scorpio ascendant Pisces: Dedicated and sensitive
Weaknesses of the for Scorpio ascendant Pisces: Vulnerable and gullible
Personality: Shy artist !
Very receptive, you are prone to anxieties, doubts and you have a great need to establish good relationships with your entourage, to feel supported to blossom serenely. Hypersensitive, emotional, you are shy, reserved and you regularly tend to withdraw into yourself unless you express the richness of your inner world in an artistic creation, because you have an overflowing imagination and much inspiration.
Vitality / Temperament: Good Samaritan!
You have a broad and deep sensitivity that runs on a wide range. You are capable of deep compassion, which can even lead to mediumship. You have a sometimes blurred view of life, but you never forget others. Your collective sense and sensitivity drive you to help those in need. However, you constantly question the value of your actions and often give way to those who are bolder than you.
Love and emotional relationships: Fusional love!
Young, your love affairs are often tormented, but as soon as you find the ideal partner who brings you balance, comfort and sexual compatibility, it is for life. You are then capable of total dedication and absolute fidelity. Romantic in nature, love is a driving force for you. When you are in love, you are totally dedicated to your partner.
In the family: A bit of a polemicist!
At home, you are mobile, talkative and active. You are interested in all the information that comes your way. You deal with domestic problems with great care and efficiency, as you like to keep your hands busy. Your critical mind is very useful in discovering what could be improved in your daily life, but some offensive remarks are not always well received by your family members. Disagreements often turn into heated, drawn-out debates, as you always want to have the last word.
Relationship with money / material goods: Doctor or artist?
You have the ability to achieve great success in the arts. Very emphatic, you can also do wonders in social matters. Much more than reason, it is your instinct that guides you in all areas of your life, as long as you trust it. This blend brings a lot of intuition, which is very useful when making decisions. You understand people very well and would probably make a good doctor, however you are also very sensitive and have a hard time with the suffering you see in others. You may also be interested in art in all its forms.
Socio-professional life: Spend to shine!
Your relationship with money is rather impulsive and your emotions play a big role in the way you buy or save. You have a tendency to give a lot of your time, but also your money, to relieve the misery of others. Don't let yourself be overly taken advantage of and remember to build up a reserve for a rainy day.
Sphere of friendship: Fluctuating and unstable!
Your vulnerability can push you to go too easily towards marginal, atypical people, to the detriment of a real relational security. It is a question of finding the right balance between your need to be with people who are free of conformity and your need for security and stability. Be more selective in your choice of friends and family to avoid disillusionment, frustration and even scams!
You have a water sign and your ascendant is in a water sign
Overly sensitive by nature, you take the afflictions of others so much to heart that you are personally shaken. You let your intuitions guide you throughout your life, you create a world in which you find refuge and from which it is not easy to make you leave. You are in constant search of the absolute.
Your sun and ascendant are in trine
Humanist and generous, you are always ready to help, to fly to the rescue of those who need it. You are also always willing to invest yourself, but you don't know how to do it, because you have difficulty managing your emotions, facing reality and dealing with everyday life.