The Fool is a very odd card in the Tarot of Marseille - it is the only one without a number. This Major Arcanum is also called ‘The Jester'. Its picture shows a pilgrim, a man who has left on a quest for something. A dog can be seen next to him, which is symbolic of the animal side present in all human beings. It is a card that carries many meanings, and aside from madness and worry, it also symbolises voluntary renewal - the gentle kind, nothing forced. The Fool therefore symbolises the beginning of a journey; it is a sign of change in a person's life.

Drawn face up
Drawn upright, the Fool's card has a positive meaning; it signifies that the person is on the way to better things. There will be constructive changes in their life: romantic relationships, encounters, relocation, change of job, promotion, etc. The Fool is a sign of vigour. Moreover, the image shows us clearly that the pilgrim is in motion; he carries a bundle and a stick. The Fool is therefore a symbol of motion.
Its meanings: luck, travel, originality, change, creation, plans, success...
Drawn upside-down
The Fool's card drawn upside-down, however, is not a good omen. It needs to be interpreted as a renunciation. The person won't dare to pursue a journey, or a relationship, because they are scared of change, and may pass up the chance of their life. If the Fool's card is drawn upside-down, we can conclude that the person is in a situation which they won't bother changing, either out of fear, or because they don't want to leave the comfort of their current life. Upside-down, the Fool's card symbolises mistakes and the fear of change. They're heading the wrong way.
Its meanings: mistake, madness, bad judgement, violence, chaos, defeat...
This card is a sign of transformation, a period of transition. It expresses both material and emotional doubt. It is also the card of travel, moving, and relocation.