The 0 symbolizes the will for change and implies making a decisive choice. It indicates new experiences, meaningful encounters, and the imminent opening of a new life cycle. But to benefit from it, you must seize opportunities as they arise and demonstrate determination and courage.

Numerological interpretation of the mirror hour 00:00
Positive side of 0: Preparation, choice, opportunities, reflection
Negative side of 0: Silence, absence, sacrifice, solitude
The guardian angel associated with the mirror hour 00:00
Mumiah shows you the path to follow; he helps you transcend your fears and question yourself to finally start living according to your authentic personality. He is a strong but uncompromising guide who brings renewal. He accompanies you through changes, in your projects, and helps you manage the unexpected. He gives you originality, dynamism, optimism, but also reinforces impulsiveness, carelessness, nonchalance, lack of self-confidence, and a tendency to avoid responsibilities. However, he remains very favorable to moves and travels.
Discover your guardian angel too
Interpretation of the mirror hour 00:00 with the Tarot
The Fool corresponds to the mirror hour 00:00 (To know the complete meaning of The Fool). The Fool indicates that you are at a crossroads, perhaps experiencing worry, doubts, and questions. You know that profound changes are necessary and that it depends on you and your choices whether they are beneficial or not.
It's a painful and unstable situation that you may want to ignore but is nevertheless unavoidable: you will have to choose and act to build a future tailored to you. It's in withdrawal, meditation, a certain renunciation, and reflection that you are most likely to discern the path you must take. To achieve serenity. Moves, separations, unexpected losses may occur, especially if you carry excess baggage; you must make a clean slate of the past to open up a future.
Advice from the card: To make the most of the positive aspects of this card, you must resolve to break away from a life that no longer fulfills you and accept to change your life.
Positive aspect of the card: It's a unique opportunity to rise from your ashes, finally move towards a life more in line with your nature and aspirations.
Negative aspect of the card: This card entails a lot of frustration, waiting, uncertainty, and renunciations. It's a difficult hurdle to overcome but worth it.