When the moon enters Leo, it brings enthusiasm, intuition, confidence, creativity. During this transit, you will outdo yourself, react efficiently, take control, and prove for once and for all your skills.

The ambiance is full of energy, your relationships will become ever more generous, and your plans will really take off.
Under the moon in Leo, you will feel like your have superpowers and, sure enough, will love to play the superhero. For you, nothing is impossible, and you will make the most out of your organizational and leading skills. You have all you need to be ready for any situation and will be ever so sociable. With the moon in Leo, however, you may be incited to act excessively, to be a tad exuberant, which exactly won't be everyone's cup of tea!
The moon entering Leo will make you less egotistical, more sociable, more generous. At last, you can let your emotions come out, freely and positively. With friends and family, you will be enthusiastic, active, happy, good-willed. In your relationship, you will give it your all to add a little love back into your life and keep emotions in balance. Socially, you will be able to escape the drudgery, the daily grind, and form new relationships.
Under the moon in Leo, you will look kindly after your friends and family, and, in your relationships in general, this transit will shake up your usual habits and attract the right people at the right time. Professionally, your contact with others will be enriching, offering you numerous chances to stand out from the rest. Count on your intuition and reactivity to seize any opportunities for growth.
With the moon in Leo entering your sign, you will gain more autonomy, become more aggressive. Your relationships, whether friendly or professional, will be stimulated, and your emotional relations will improve. In your private life, you will reach out directly to those you love. More than ever, you will be willing to wait on your partner, or your family, hand and foot. No one can ever say they're bored when they're around you, thanks to your great creativity and numerous ideas that make for great times together. At work, count on others, believe in your intuition and your potential, and you'll be able to make your ambitions a reality.
With the moon arriving in your natal sign, your need to be in the spotlight will only grow stronger, and your desires will be put in action. No matter the area of life, you will take action to satisfy your own desires and ambitions. You will be particularly generous towards your friends and will earn the prize of best organizer. Your need to show off, however, coupled with your exuberance, can get to be a little too much and become absurd and ridiculous if you don't use a little moderation!
The moon in Leo entering your sign will give you the willpower to assert yourself, to be your own master, and to take control of your own destiny. You give your affection generously; you want the best not only for yourself, but for those around you as well. And so, you won't waste any time satisfying your desires or improving the everyday, ordinary things in your life. You put your heart in everything you do and will show your good qualities, your potential frankly.
With the moon moving into Leo, seduction will become your preferred method of communication. You will use your charm and elegance to win over others and get what you want. Professionally, you will go to great lengths to be tactful and will succeed, with determination and enthusiasm, in making your coworkers more productive. If you assume the role of mediator/leader, you can be sure that your efforts will be rewarded!
With the moon entering Leo, you won't have time to get bored! You live in the fast lane, and you will be able to increase opportunities for yourself by being more resourceful and enterprising. Your relationships will become more dynamic, too, and you will reach out to others spontaneously and with generosity. This is the ideal time to negotiate or start new projects. You have a knack for business. You are especially gifted at getting attention and your ideas accepted.
With the arrival of the moon in Leo, your enthusiasm will be impossible to miss, and it will be difficult not to be noticed. Your days are packed with various activities, but you won't run short on ambition when it comes to achieving your goals. Your emotional life, and your relationships, burn with passion, and you will share much with those you hold most dear. Be careful, however, not to wear down your friends and family with too much energy or by trying to be in control of everything.
When the moon moves into Leo, nothing, and no one, will be able to stop you from reaching your goals. Aggressive, competitive, and determined, you will tackle any task before you. Your efficiency will be rewarded, and your accomplishments will be sure to draw attention. This is the ideal time, then, to put your ideas out there, to start up negotiations, or land that promotion. In your emotional life, you give your all and will be totally fulfilled.
The new moon moving into Leo will give you originality, creativity, enthusiasm. You attach great importance to what others think of you and will want to please others like never before. And so, you will do your all to stand out and persuade your audience. Professionally, you're not afraid to take the reins and show jsut how vivacious and determined you can be. In your private life, you are overflowing with generosity and with the ideas that your loved ones will love.
The moon moving into Leo will put you in a jovial and energetic mood. You live life to the fullest and are brimming imagination to entertain your friends and spice up your daily life. At work, you give your all and are extremely inventive. You have complete confidence in yourself and will provide yourself with all the means to succeed. In your love-life, you'll dare to make the first move, to declare your feelings, and rekindle the flame in your relationship.