Introduction: Stubborn and stubborn!
Taurus ascendant Aries: You are one of the most obstinate combinations of the zodiac: your already stubborn Taurus temperament is doubled with the voluntary ardor of Aries and you can become intractable. Opiniate, stubborn, combative, you have the art to convince the most recalcitrant.
Strengths of the for Taurus ascendant Aries: Determined and generous
Weaknesses of the for Taurus ascendant Aries: Stubborn and possessive
Personality: You're sure of it!
You have a powerful personality, inclined towards action and combat. You assert yourself fully. Dynamic, enterprising, you know what you want and, whatever the field concerned, you pursue and achieve your objectives with obstinacy and perseverance. Your will is unshakeable. You invest yourself entirely, passionately to reach your goals, nothing can divert you from it.
Vitality / Temperament: Voluntary and thoughtful!
Your wholehearted and practical temperament very rarely allows you to get lost in fruitless directions. Indeed, your need for achievement will always be preponderant in your life, which makes you a guide for those around you. You have many assets to advance in life, acquiring over time a stable position, notably on the social level.
Love and emotional relationships: A little too possessive!
In love, you are a great seducer. Once in couple, your feelings are solid, you are faithful, attentive, but also very possessive. Your well-being depends on your material and emotional security. In your relationships, you are often exclusive and jealous, at the risk of suffocating your partner...
In the family: Everything for the family!
You have values, you do everything to achieve your goals and you are not afraid to impose your personality. You are very obstinate and you do not give in to your close relations who oppose your will. However, you show great generosity and benevolence. You need a partner who accepts exclusivity and who appreciates the comfort of a traditional home.
Relationship with money / material goods: Financial stability!
This combination brings you a very fine nose for business, motivated by a constant search for material security. You need to possess personal goods and this can make you possessive. There is a pleasure-seeking side to you that sometimes makes you detach from the realities of life to immerse yourself fully in pleasures and therefore spending. It can be fulfilling for you to also learn to build for the collective interest.
Socio-professional life: Powerful and tenacious!
You are a hard worker with very quick perception, good long-term vision and very good organizational skills. You like to make your opinions known and you defend them with courage, even aggressively, you get carried away easily. You are not afraid, in difficult moments, to fall back on hard work. You are armed to evolve if you mobilize your patience in the long run.
Sphere of friendship: A bon vivant!
Your attitude is a bit rough, brutal, but you are very generous and benevolent with those around you. You have an immoderate love for life and its pleasures. Sociable, open, you like to surround yourself with your friends and share a good meal or a playful activity. Sport is very good for you and allows you to maintain a good network of friends.
You have an Earth sign and your ascendant is in a Fire sign
The fire smolders under the ashes. You have to leave pride, stubbornness and grudges behind in order to move through the turmoil and get to your destination. A warm and tumultuous home is often the result of this colorful mix.
Your sun and ascendant are in semi-sextile
This is a minor aspect that has little influence. The Aries Ascendant brings you a liveliness that Taurus does not have, but it also brings a redoubling of your stubbornness. You are rather secretive and it is generally difficult for you to confide your problems to those around you. However, you yourself are an effective advisor and a listening ear for your friends.