
Check your horoscope for February 2022

Written by Daisy

The beauty of the month of February is that he works for you, in secret and in silence. This is all its meaning. It was indeed during this month that the Celts celebrated the goddess Brigit, Queen of Fecundity. She is still honored nowadays on February 1st, during the feast of Imbolc. The goal is that witch Cailach (Winter) gives way to it. We thus observe the first signs of renewal, during the shortest month of the year.On the astrological plane, Saturn continues its journey in Aquarius. It perfectly symbolizes the time it takes for nature to reach full awakening. Time also, which allows everyone to know each other better, in all conscience.This month, the natives of the Air signs are asking themselves all the questions: the ones they have tried to avoid since the beginning of the year. Their good resolutions: new start, diets, assortments of all kinds are still well anchored. Yet the conjunction Mars-Venus in Capricorn maliciously upsets this program, giving them grain to grind. This implies that they manage, with their own reality. The thread that Aquarians, Gemini and Balances feel is not just a sight of the spirit: they will have to row a little throughout the month. With all the finesse and presence of mind that characterize them, they will overcome obstacles.So let's be confident, February pushes you all forward. You will certainly have very nice surprises! Saturn slows the progress of the signs of air and fire. At the same time, some may rebel against this situation and the boldest may try to shake things up. Beyond the fact that Saturn imposes limits and extends the deadlines for concretization, it encourages to take advantage of this incompressible expectation to refine projects, initiatives and the ideas. In doing so, the relationships of Aries will grow, and Gemini will understand that they must expand their field of action by opening up to different perspectives of their habits. As for Libra and Sagittarius, they will understand that time is their best ally in building relationships for the future. Regarding the signs of water and earth, they receive the beneficial influxes of Jupiter in Pisces. Until the 28tn, Mars in Capricorn encourages them to seize the opportunity that is passing and project it on the future. Thanks to Mercury who is in Capricorn until the 14th, they will clearly see their interests and defend them deftly. As for Taurus and Scorpio, they have every interest in seizing these opportunities without question, if they wish to mitigate the unpleasant effects of Saturn in Aquarius.

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