Introduction: Changeable and clever!
Gemini ascendant Cancer: You mix thoughts and feelings intimately, which often risks weakening you in the pursuit of your long-term goals, as they are constantly changing. Whether it is in love or elsewhere, you have a tendency to disperse yourself or to become discouraged too quickly. Preserved from routine and in reassuring company, you can however make a good career, because you combine a beautiful skill with a very useful opportunism.
Strengths of the for Gemini ascendant Cancer: Affectionate and romantic
Weaknesses of the for Gemini ascendant Cancer: Moody and anxious
Personality: The Peter Pan syndrome!
Your personality turns to the simple pleasures of life. You tend to remain faithful to your childhood hobbies, your friendships and you do not easily like the idea of maturing. For you, growing up is synonymous with rigor, pessimism, heavy responsibilities without satisfaction in return. It is very gradually that you will find your way towards maturity. Your essential asset will be your capacity to dream.
Vitality / Temperament: Need for calm and security!
Very sensitive to the atmosphere, you have an essential need to evolve in a climate of stability, of security in order not to become nervous, anxious. You are not made for action, struggle, reality seems heavy to you and you sometimes have difficulty keeping your feet on the ground and setting goals. On the other hand, endowed with the soul of an artist, you have a very fertile imagination, a great sensitivity and many creative possibilities.
Love and emotional relationships: You distrust passions!
In love, you prefer an affectionate relationship rather than a passionate one. In your life as a couple, you are restless, but endearing. Your idealism feeds a great sensitivity and a lot of sentimentality. Your contradictions make you an unsatisfied partner, sometimes worried and dependent. You could even be a little capricious... especially with your close relations. On your good emotional management depends your sentimental evolution.
In the family: The ultimate refuge!
It is within your family that you flourish. You have great intuition and you know instinctively what pleases your loved ones. But you lack confidence and need the support of your family to unleash all your talents. It is through the affection that people have for you that you draw confidence. Warm, affectionate, generous, you show infinite understanding towards those you love and you work wonders with children. Lunatic, you go easily from laughter to tears.
Relationship with money / material goods: Money does not make you happy, but...
Money matters bother you, but you need security. You are not a great investor, but you have a very good nose for good deals. Starting a family is a great motivation for you to make a real estate investment. For the rest, you have few needs and without managing very carefully, you are not the most spendthrift either.
Socio-professional life: Need some chemistry at work!
You have changeable moods, as you are very influenced by the atmosphere. You need positive links with your professional environment to be truly fulfilled. You devote a lot of time to your family, which is where you draw your inspiration for your professional projects. You need to be supported by your colleagues, your associates, your hierarchy. Confidence in yourself will be your best engine for you to reach success.
Sphere of friendship: Handpicked!
You are sometimes solitary, you need frequent retreats to meditate, to introspect and to recharge your energy. Self-expression is not easy for you, you are more turned towards the inner worlds, the spiritual life. You may have a tendency to feel unworthy of attention, to have a low self-image. You have few friends, but they are wisely chosen.
You have an Air sign and your ascendant is in a Water sign
Air and Water do not mix, but coexist, most often peacefully, as neighbors who frequent each other without really knowing each other. This mixture often lacks initiative and you too willingly sink into meanders of confusion or negligence.
Your sun and ascendant are in semi-sextile
You tend to remain discreet, except in your intimacy. You are not quick to reveal yourself, you remain always friendly, but you put discreet distances to protect yourself.