
Check your horoscope for June 2025

Written by Daisy

A light month overall with energies alternating between air and water, distilling a climate conducive to exchanges and sharing emotions. The sun in Gemini until the 21st, escorted by Mercury and Jupiter until the 8th, infuses a beautiful energy of communication, meeting, exchanges will be fruitful and facilitated, take advantage! Then the sun moves into Cancer on the 21st, Mercury on the 8th and Jupiter on the 9th, this very sensitive trio focused on family matters, on the importance of feelings and emotions. The zodiac children are invited to listen to their hearts and act accordingly! Especially since the earthly duo, Venus in Taurus starting from the 6th and Mars in Virgo starting from the 17th, invites to lasting romance, to stable and thoughtful love stories, passion is not essential but rather a sincere attachment capable of surviving the daily ups and downs. From the 1st to the 6th, Venus in Aries can favor a crush while Mars in Leo until the 17th encourages powerful and impatient desires, some encounters may be possible during this period but will they last? Jupiter moves into Cancer on the 9th and favors any evolution related to family matters, a general urge for protection could prompt the most empathetic or generous to pay more attention to others, cheer up! Saturn and Neptune, at the very beginning of Aries, disrupt this very dynamic and somewhat personal sign, the energies invite it to change its outlook on life by embodying more rigor, more wisdom, a more spiritual vision of life, by truly opening up to others in real trust, nice program! The other fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius, benefit from this very structuring and somewhat mystical momentum! Uranus is ending its long transit in Taurus, the earth signs (last decan of Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) may still feel the call for novelty while the fixed signs (same decan of Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio) still sense resistance to their actions, have they realized it is futile to look back? Finally, Pluto is slowly advancing through the sign of Aquarius, it is time to radically change some parameters by accepting to let go of old beliefs, patterns that no longer work.

Horoscope for June 2025 for all zodiac signs:

September 2024 Horoscope

2025 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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