
Leo's horoscope for December 2024

Written by Daisy

Mars continues its journey in your sign until the 31st. Associated with Jupiter in Gemini, it gives you opportunities to rebound. It drives you to meet people and events. It encourages you to seize the opportunities that arise and to realize your ideas. With the precious help of Mercury in Sagittarius, you have the right words at the right time. With these positive and happy influences, you show generosity. When circumstances dictate, you stand against conventional wisdom. Action motivates you. You feel that you can work wonders. Alas, the dissonances of Venus in Aquarius could compromise everything. To avoid this, be more nuanced with some people. Do not tell them all in the same day. Give them time to tame your thoughts.

Leo: Love in General para December 2024

Leo: The dissonances that emanate from Mars and Venus foreshadow complications and reversals of situations. However, these hazards are not inevitable. You can mitigate them by smoothing the intensity of your feelings and desires. In doing so, your love will find a place in your life.

Leo: In a relationship para December 2024

Leo: Your relationship and its future could be the subject of conversation. If you stay polite, your other half will understand you. If, on the other hand, you put them up against a wall, their reaction may be intense and complicated.

Single para December 2024

Leo: Venus in Aquarius is rebellious in making you meet someone who is entirely the opposite of your seduction habits. If you feel like it, you can get started, but do not fall for them too fast.

Leo: Career / Finance para December 2024

Leo: A month that is not easy but exciting! Mars at home from the 5th reinforces your conquering personality and, as a result, your professional initiatives. Your entourage, superiors, or colleagues will have to keep pace! Until the 21st, the climate is calm and light. You feel your power. From the 21st, the atmosphere becomes heavier. From the 3rd to the 31st, Mercury facilitates your often creative and modern ideas, take advantage of it! Of course, Pluto, in front of you, increases pressure from others, resulting in a change in your employment contract or your status?

Leo: Advice from FREE Horoscope para December 2024

Leo: The feeling that everything is successful gives you wings. It's good. However, soothe your euphoria with some people. This will save you from going for what you are not.

Horoscope for December 2024 for all zodiac signs:

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2024 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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