
Around the Stars this month !

Written by Daisy

Edito: Browse through the stars to know the position and movement of the planets. An astral landscape written by Susan which also helps you to understand your monthly horoscope. Here, they are for this month of May 2024!

The Sun, moving through Taurus, will temper our enthusiasm, remind us to be reasonable, and encourage our sense of balance on the 7th, but could well foster an explosive atmosphere around the 13th. Expect to be surprised, even lifted from your seat, by unexpected events or decisions that could impact well beyond our personal sphere. The sun will boost our imagination and a desire, both personal and collective, to pursue and achieve an ideal on the 19th! From the 20th, the Sun enters the sign of Gemini. An opportunity on the 22nd to initiate a transformation of our values and, for some, a reconstruction on other foundations more in line with the path traveled.

Mercury in Aries until May 15 stimulates our thirst for innovation, debate (and sometimes controversy). From the 15th, the "messenger of the gods" will traverse the sign of Taurus until June 3 and could prompt us to cling to beliefs and values that will soon be obsolete. Beware of disagreements or underlying conflicts that could arise if we do not keep an open mind on the 17th. On the other hand, we can count on a stable mind, a genuine desire to understand what is happening within us and around us on the 28th. A disposition that will probably be a bit shaken on the 31st, where dazzling ideas, unwavering lucidity, and some openings to a different world view could ruffle our feathers and put us in a trance.

Venus in Taurus could trigger passions and put our loves, our attachments to the test on the 1st, but fortunately, the tender planet will calm things down around the 13th where reason will prevail over the emotional turmoil that destabilized us at the beginning of the month. A crush, love at first sight, a new encounter, or an unexpected breakup that disrupts our universe on the 18th, but the opportunity to end the month in a climax on the 23rd where the atmosphere is expected to be hot, and benevolence seems to be in place, and feelings are exalted. From the 23rd, Venus enters the sign of Gemini. A less passionate atmosphere, but the possibility of vibrating at high frequencies on the 25th.

Mars in Aries until June 9 urges us to act, to mobilize ourselves to advance, materialize a project, a change of horizons, or even of life on the 3rd. Under this energizing influence, many could experience events that could accelerate the movement of ongoing transformations. A dynamic energy that invites us to undertake, to dare, and to believe in it!

Jupiter in Taurus generally favors abundance and increases our thirst for stability and harmony. In May, the giant planet will intervene mainly in the second half of the month to favor a likely upward growth and allow us to glimpse better days. An awakening to other more spiritual, supportive values, a desire for fraternity, and another path opening up (internally, externally) that could please us on the 19th, the 23rd. We can also hope to benefit from providential help if we have lacked reference points and support lately. From the 24th, Jupiter will enter the sign of Gemini where the giant of the zodiac does not necessarily evolve very comfortably (as it is in exile)! While this configuration undoubtedly boosts our curiosity, our desire to explore other paths, to communicate (or even to seduce) in all directions, let's make sure to remain clear in our intentions. If Jupiter in Gemini encourages mental musings, beware of the temptation to deceive others, to rely on our exalted eloquence to cheat. Also, be aware of the risk of being deceived, led astray!

Saturn in Pisces could just as well push us to internalize more, to explore our inner world than to lock ourselves into constraint. It's up to us to determine whether we prefer to free ourselves (at least internally) from beliefs that have had their time or to endure! In May, the austere planet will strive to regulate an emotional climate more in fusion than at rest. It will try to calm things down and our temperament around the 7th, 13th, and 28th, where we will have the opportunity to take a step back. To prepare ourselves to cross a potentially explosive month with as much awareness as possible.

Astrology: What You Need to Know

As the Moon moves at full speed in the zodiac (it travels approximately one sign in two days),we can't detail its evolution in our astral press review! However, its influence can activate sensitive points in the map of our sky... If you wish to know the Moon's position day by day, consult the ephemerides*, which will inform you about the daily position of the planets.

GMT (Greenwich time meridian): universal time to which you have to add (currently) for France one hour in winter and two hours in summer to determine at what exact moment the planet enters a new sign, crosses another planet, etc...

The planets in retrograde: The apparent movement of a planet that gives the impression that the planet stops and then starts again. This phenomenon actually results from the difference between the speed of revolution of the planet and Earth around the Sun. In astrology, a retrograde represents a force that works against the current. Generally, it corresponds to the internalization of energy. Sometimes, it means restraining evolution and recommends that the individual ask themselves about the work to be done to free themselves from the debts of the past or to exploit their potential more consciously!

Domicile of a planet: The sign in which a planet evolves in affinity (for example, Venus in Taurus). The planet then expresses its potential without constraint, freely and creatively...

1. Get your free lunar horoscope on the moon
2. Monthly ephemeris for your astral chart
1. Discove your Free rising sign calculator

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