
Your daily horoscope for Capricorn on the 25th of April 2024

Written by Susan

Your astral forecast

You'll be able to express yourself spontaneously and with more freedom. This is an occasion not to be missed. Your love-life will dominate and balance your energy levels. Show yourself as you are, along with your real needs.



Your efforts will be rewarded, and you'll be able to congratulate yourself today. Progress is in sight.

Today: 5/5TodayTomorrow: 4/5TomorrowSaturday: 3/5SaturdaySunday: 3/5SundayMonday: 5/5MondayTuesday: 5/5TuesdayWednesday: 4/5WednesdayThursday: 4/5Thursday



Love is turning out to be light and airy, yet intense and passionate at the same time! Your self-confidence will be your best asset. You won't have any problems achieving some of your dreams. Your self-assurance brings results.

Today: 5/5TodayTomorrow: 4/5TomorrowSaturday: 3/5SaturdaySunday: 3/5SundayMonday: 5/5MondayTuesday: 5/5TuesdayWednesday: 4/5WednesdayThursday: 3/5Thursday



You'll have the chance to show your diplomatic capabilities between some very different people.

Today: 5/5TodayTomorrow: 4/5TomorrowSaturday: 4/5SaturdaySunday: 3/5SundayMonday: 5/5MondayTuesday: 5/5TuesdayWednesday: 4/5WednesdayThursday: 4/5Thursday



You know you are right on a particular point and will know how to use the right arguments to persuade others.

Today: 5/5TodayTomorrow: 4/5TomorrowSaturday: 4/5SaturdaySunday: 3/5SundayMonday: 5/5MondayTuesday: 5/5TuesdayWednesday: 4/5WednesdayThursday: 4/5Thursday
This week


The moon is in Scorpio, in position 21 degree(s),53 minute(s): Sharp reactions to challenges or provocation. Intense emotions, mental force, lucidity and seductive powers.

First decan

22nd December to 2nd January

Grant your partner's wishes. If work is becoming a stumbling block between the two of you, it would be good to agree to share your time more evenly with them. Life as a couple requires, inevitably, making necessary adjustments.

Second decan

3rd January to 11th January

You have a certain taste for art, music, and theater, practicing it yourself or simply appreciating. The moon will boost your extrasensory perception, making you more sensitive to the beauty in the world and a more sensitive and refined person.

Third decan

12th January to 20th January

You can't stand 'good enough'. If you agree to complete a job or task, you throw yourself in fully. Today, you prefer to turn down any work rather than do it with inadequate tools.

Calculate your lunar sign, your hidden face!

Kybomancie: The future in a roll of the dice

Discover: Horoscope for february 2024

Glossary Tarot to explore without delay

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