
Full Moon 2022

Written by Alison

The moon cycle lasts about 29 days, starting from the new Moon. We see, for 14 days, the Moon growing until the Full Moon, then it decreases until the next New Moon.During the New Moon, the star of the night is invisible, hidden in the Earth's shadow. It is not observable since it is entirely dark. The new Moon is a phase of beginning. The energies of the Moon are gently drawn into us to go inward and be in a "creative" state. This is an optimal time to set clear intentions, to lay a foundation for a project, an accomplishment, or any other future action. This is the time to "sow the seeds" for an abundant harvest later. It is a time for renewal, for a new beginning. A time to consciously assert our position, in thought, and realign with our purpose.

Full Moon of January 17, 2022 in Cancer

This full Moon in Cancer invites you to place your self-realization according to your deep, real feelings at the forefront. Anything that brings you joy and expansion in an emotional sense will be favored in this darker, more delicate time. This is partly influenced by the trine to Neptune in Pisces, which will help you overcome your inner doubts and feelings to reach for a new ideal.

Full Moon of February 16, 2022 in Leo

The conjunction of Mercury and Pluto leads you to communicate who you really are, to follow your path with passion. Trust yourself, both in the romantic and professional spheres. However, don't be fooled by that part of you that seeks superficiality, easy success, and domination. Remain humble, and abundance will follow. This Full Moon day in Leo is perfect for signing up for a new social or community activity.

March 18, 2022 Full Moon in Virgo

This Full Moon in Virgo will create a stir on the side of your goals regarding your professional life. The squares formed by Uranus in Taurus with Mars and Venus in Aquarius will bring dissonance. Some things will need to be clarified to get past some misunderstandings and start afresh. Be authentic while remaining clear about your real intentions.

April 16, 2022 Full Moon in Libra

In the aspect of this full Moon in Libra and in trine to Mars and Saturn, some repressed emotions will have to resurface to find balance and harmony. Look for answers within yourself instead of recognizing yourself through the eyes of others. Define your needs and take action while remaining consistent in your steps.

May 16, 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio (Total Eclipse of the Moon)

On this Flower Super Moon in Scorpio, some tempers could flare. This could cause upheaval in the home. This day will benefit those who will be vigilant to a tumultuous situation by preventing the outburst in a courteous and caring manner. Some paradigm shifts continue to create waves of transformation at the planetary level. As a result, the energies will be focused and recalibrated to become assimilable by our bodies soon.

Full Moon on June 14, 2022 in Sagittarius

This Full Moon in Sagittarius will allow for the merging and integration of some choices you have made in the past. This will cause you to re-examine your priorities while ceasing to accumulate certain outdated items or toxic thoughts. This will allow for a significant change and an opening to new horizons. You will have a decision to make regarding your ability to promote what is right and good in a concrete and useful way for others. New perspectives are in store for all signs. This Strawberry Super Moon will feed deep energies of change. Be forewarned. This is the time to take action. Change is positive.

Full Moon on July 13, 2022 in Capricorn

This will be a Full Moon in Capricorn adorned with surprises on this hot summer day. It is one of those that point you to the people you need to see and the path you need to discover as it leads you out of your comfort zone. The conjunction with Pluto and the opposition to Mercury in Cancer will require you to be discerning to remain consistent and aligned in what you choose to experience and with whom. While still maintaining an openness to what comes your way.

Full Moon of August 12, 2022 in Aquarius

Some aspects of Aquarius are brought to the fore, especially today. Ascendants of this sign will take this Full Moon to a higher level regarding the motivation to create and be good at what brings them joy and pleasure. Too often, we forget to have fun, and this is a time to remember that everything is more cheerful and easy with the power of the heart and laughter. However, the Pluto opposition to Venus suggests that you postpone signing a contract or other business or personal agreement. This could be to your disadvantage and not possible in the long run. There are a few things you need to check out before going any further with your decision.

September 10, 2022 Full Moon in Pisces

This full Moon in Pisces breathes lightness into this time of introspection. It is a day of gentleness and grace. Take advantage of it to recharge your batteries, read or take a bath while meditating. Clear out anything that is lingering in your head or in your business. Make space for the new person who rings your doorbell. Stop looking further, cleanse yourself, and things will come naturally.

Full Moon of October 09, 2022 in Aries

This is a day all about vigor, paired with the influences of the Moon's opposition to Venus. You may be prone to outbursts on a personal level. This is the beginning of something that needs some zest, but beware of "wanting too much." This would precipitate you to an abrupt and unfinished end to a project or relationship that could benefit you. Stop trying to go for it at all costs and let some things come to you. You will benefit greatly.

Full Moon on November 08, 2022 in Taurus (Total Lunar Eclipse)

Some things need to be cleared up and verbalized on this total lunar eclipse day. And that's even if you think you've said or done everything. The North Node-Moon-Uranus conjunction certifies one thing for you today, stop trying to secure or control everything and come to a consensus calmly. This will require some effort on your part, as the energies push you into opposite poles. Duality and misunderstanding on both sides can easily lead to misunderstanding and conflict. You will tend to want to stay in your position. Never mind, relax your framework, and you can make everything more coherent and stable, quite simply.

December 08, 2022 Full Moon in Gemini

On this last full Moon of 2022, placed under the sign of Gemini, it's advisable to stay grounded. Certain planetary configurations, including the Moon's conjunction with Mars, will tend to make you yo-yo merrily. This little energetic "merry-go-round" promises to be anything but boring. But hang on and ride this wave that will propel you in your professional projects or concerning a financial agreement. All you have to do is fasten your seatbelt and move forward consciously!

1. Breaking news July 2024
2. Discover Full Moon July 21, 2024
3. New Moon of August 4, 2024
4. Predictions and influence of Venus in 2025
5. Calendar of the Full Moon in 2025
6. New Moon Calendar for 2025
7. New Moon Calendar for 2024
8. Predictions and influence of Venus in 2024
9. Calendar of the Full Moon in 2024

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